
n. 馅饼, 财富, 总额, 贪污受贿, 杂乱, 喜鹊
【计】 饼图
as easy as pie
eat humble pie
pie in the sky
have a finger in every pie
pie n[C, U] 1 (a) (Brit) meat or fruit encased in pastry and baked in a (usu deep) dish 排; 肉馅排; 果馅排: an apple pie 苹果排
Have some more pie. 再吃点排吧. (b) (US) meat or fruit cooked in a pastry-lined dish, with or without a covering of pastry (有盖或无盖的)肉馅排, 果馅排. Cf 参看 flan, tart2. 2 (idm 习语) easy as pie => easy1. eat humble pie => eat. have a finger in every pie => finger. ,pie in the `sky (infml 口) hoped-for or planned event that is very unlikely to happen 希望中的或计画中的事情(不大可能实现的)
Their ideas about reforming the prison system are just pie in the sky. 他们打算改革监狱制度的想法纯粹是空中楼阁.