
n. 石膏, 灰泥, 安慰(缓解)用品, 膏药
vt. 涂以灰泥, 敷以膏药, 掩饰, 使平服, 彻底击败, 减轻, 粘贴
【化】 硬膏剂
【医】 硬膏[剂], 石膏, 灰泥
in plaster
plaster sb with praise
plaster n 1 [U] soft mixture of lime, sand, water, etc that becomes hard when dry and is used for making a smooth surface on walls and ceilings 灰泥(涂平墙壁和天花板用的)
The plaster will have to dry out before you can paint the room. 待房间的灰泥乾後才可粉刷. 2 [U] (also ,plaster of `Paris) white paste made from gypsum that becomes very hard when dry, used for making moulds, holding broken bones in place, etc 烧石膏; 熟石膏
She broke her ankle weeks ago and it´s still in plaster. 她的踝关节数周前骨折, 至今仍打著石膏. 3 [C, U] = sticking plaster (stick2). plaster, v 1 (a) [Tn] cover (a wall, etc) with plaster(1) 用灰泥涂抹(墙壁等). (b) [] ~ A with B/~ B on(to) A cover sth with sth thickly, as one puts plaster on a wall 用黏稠物涂抹某物
hair plastered with oil 抹油的头发
an artist who plasters the paint on the canvas 在画布上涂颜料的画家
plaster the town with posters 把海报贴遍市镇. 2 [Tn] cover (a wound, etc) with a plaster(2) 给(受伤处等)打石膏. 3 (phr v) plaster sth down make sth lie flat by putting a wet or sticky substance on it (敷湿或黏之物)使某物平贴
plaster one´s hair down 用发蜡把头发梳平.