
a. 尖的, 有尖顶的, 锐利的, 率直的, 显然的
It is pointed out that
pointed adj 1 having a sharp tip, end, etc 有尖的; 尖的
a (sharp-)pointed instrument, tool, etc 尖(锐)的器具、 工具等 * a pointed hat 尖帽子. 2 (fig 比喻) directed clearly against a particular person or his behaviour 针对某人或其行为的; 直截了当的
a pointed remark, rebuke, etc 直言不讳的评论、 指责等
She made some pointed references to his careless work. 她明确指出他工作粗心大意. 3 (fig 比喻) (of wit) incisive (指头脑)敏锐的. pointedly adv in a way that indicates criticism of a particular person or that suggests one´s meaning clearly 有针对性地; 尖锐地; 有用意地; 直截了当地
She stared pointedly at me. 她严厉地瞪著我.
He looked pointedly at the door, eg indicating that I should open it, close it, leave, etc. 他有用意地看著门(如示意我应开开、 关上、 离去等).