
n. 拥有, 占有, 所有, 财产, 领土, 领地, 自制, 着迷
【经】 占有, 持有
in the possession of sb
take possession of
come into possession of sth
come into sb's possession
in possession of sth
possession n 1 [U] state of possessing; ownership 领有; 持有; 具有
fight for/win/get possession of the ball 争球
The possession of a passport is essential for foreign travel. 去国外旅行需持有护照.
On her father´s death, she came into possession of a vast fortune. 她在父亲死後继承了大量财产.
She has valuable information in her possession. 她掌握了重要的信息.
The house is for sale with vacant possession, ie without tenants. 空房出售(无租户). 2 [C esp pl 尤作复数] thing that is possessed; property 所有物; 财产
He lost all his possessions in the fire. 他在火灾中损失了所有的财产.
He came here without friends or possessions and made his fortune. 他来时举目无亲、 身无长物, 全凭白手起家. 3 [C] country controlled or governed by another 属地; 殖民地
The former colonial possessions are now independent states. 以前的许多殖民地现已成为独立的国家. 4 (idm 习语) in possession (of sth) (a) having or controlling (sth) so that others are prevented from using it 占有, 控制(某物)(致使他人无法使用)
Their opponents were in possession of the ball for most of the match. 他们的对手在比赛的大部分时间里控制著球. (b) having or living in sth 占据某物; 住在某处所中
He was caught in possession of stolen goods/with stolen goods in his possession. 他人赃并获.
While they are in possession we can´t sell the house. 他们还住著这所房子, 我们无法出售. possession is nine points of the `law (saying 谚) a person who occupies or controls sth is in a better position to keep it than sb else whose claim to it may be greater 现实占有, 败一胜九(占有或控制某物者打起官司来总占上风). take possession (of sth) (fml 文) become the owner or occupier (of sth) 成为(某物的)所有者; 占有(某物).