
vi. 问, 要求
vt. 问, 要求, 邀请, 需要
【经】 讨价
to ask for trouble
to ask after...
to ask for sth
to ask sb for sth
to ask for...
to ask for it
ask v 1 [I, Ipr, Tn,, Tw, Dn.n, Dn.w] ~ (sb) (about sb/sth); ~ sth of sb request information (about sb/sth) (from sb) 问; 询问
Ask (him) about the ring you lost he may have found it. 问问(他)你丢的戒指--也许他捡到了.
Don´t be afraid of asking questions. 不要怕提问题.
Did you ask the price? 你问价钱了吗?
(fml 文) No questions were asked of us. 没有人问我们问题.
He asked if I could drive. 他问我会不会开车.
She asked them their names. 她问他们的姓名.
I had to ask the teacher what to do next. 我得问问老师下一步做什么. 2 [Ipr, Tn,, Tw, Dn.w, Dn.t] ~ (sb) for sth; ~ sth (of sb) request that sb gives sth or does sth 要求某人给某事物或做某事物
Did you ask (your boss) for a pay increase? 你请求(老板)加薪了吗?
ask sb´s advice, opinion, views, etc 徵询某人的高见, 意见, 看法等
If you want to camp in this field you must ask the farmer´s permission. 在这块地上露营要徵求农民的许可.
May I ask a favour (of you)? 能不能(请你)帮我一个忙?
It´s asking rather a lot of you to have my whole family to stay. 我全家在此逗留要打搅您, 未免有些过分了.
She asked (me) if I would drive her home. 她请求我开车送她回家.
I asked James to buy some bread. 我叫詹姆斯去买些面包. 3 [Tw, Tt, Dn.w, Dn.t] request permission to do sth 请求准许做某事
ask to use the car 请求准许使用汽车
ask to speak to sb, eg on the phone 请求准许与某人谈话(如打电话时)
I asked (the doctor) whether/if I could get up. 我请求(医生)让我下床.
I must ask you to excuse me. 我得请你原谅. 4 [, Tn.p, Dn.t] ~ sb (to sth) invite sb 邀请, 请某人
ask them to dinner 请他们吃饭
He´s asked me out several times already. 他已经几次邀请我外出.
Shall we ask the neighbours in/round (ie to our house)? 咱们把邻居请(到咱家)来好吗?
She´s asked him to come to the party. 她邀请他来参加聚会. 5 [Tn,] ~ sth (for sth) request sth as a price 要价; 讨价
You´re asking too much. 你要价太高.
What are they asking for their house? 他们那所房子要多少钱?
He´s asking 80 a month rent for that flat. 那套房间月租他要80英镑. 6 (idm 习语) `ask for trouble/it (infml 口) behave in a way that is likely to result in trouble 自找麻烦; 自讨苦吃
Driving after drinking alcohol is asking for trouble. 酒後开车是自讨苦吃. for the `asking if one merely asks 只需开口; 只要索取
The job is yours for the asking, ie If you say you want it, it will be given to you. 你一开口就能得到那份工作. I `ask you (infml 口) (expressing disbelief, surprise, annoyance, etc 表示怀疑, 惊奇, 烦恼等)
They´re thinking of taxing textbooks I ask you, we´ll have to pay to go to bed next! 教科书也快要上税了--好家伙, 眼看连睡觉都得付钱了! if you ask `me if you would like to know my opinion 如果你想知道我的看法; 恕我直言; 不瞒你说
If you ask me, he hasn´t got long to live. 恕我直言, 他活不长了. 7(phr v) ask after sb request information about sb´s health 问候某人的健康; 问候; 问安
He always asks after you in his letters. 他每次来信都向你问候. ask for sb/sth say that one wants to see or speak to sb or to be given or directed to sth 要求见某人; 要求与某人谈话; 要某事物; 要求指点
ask for the manager, the tickets, the bar 要求见经理; 要票; 询问酒吧地点.