
n. 监狱, 监禁, 拘留所
vt. 监禁
【法】 监狱, 牢狱, 看守所
cast sb into prison
put sb into prison
be taken to prison
in prison
go to prison
be in prison
prison n 1 [C] (a) place where people are kept locked up as a punishment for crimes they have committed or while awaiting trial 监狱; 看守所
The prisons are overcrowded. 监狱人满为患.
A modern prison has replaced the Victorian one. 一所现代化的监狱取代了那所维多利亚时代的监狱.
[attrib 作定语] the prison population, ie the total number of prisoners in a country 监押人数(一个国家的囚犯总数). (b) (derog 贬) place from which sb cannot escape 某人无法逃脱的地方; 牢笼
Now that he was disabled, his house had become a prison to him. 因为他残废了, 他的房子就成了他的牢笼.
(fig 比喻) the prison of one´s mind 思想上的束缚. 2 [U] being kept in a prison, esp as a punishment for crime; imprisonment 被监禁; (尤指)服刑; 坐牢
She´s gone to/is in prison. 她已入狱[在狱中].
escape from, be released from, come out of prison 越狱、 释放、 出狱
He was sent to prison for five years. 他判了五年监禁.
Does prison do anything to prevent crime? 采取关押方法对制止犯罪有作用吗? =>Usage at school1 用法见 school1.