
a. 私人的, 秘密的, 私立的, 隐蔽的
n. 士兵, 隐士, 阴部
【计】 私人的
【经】 私人的, 个人的, 私营的
in private
rivate adj 1 [esp attrib 尤作定语] of, belonging to or for the use of one particular person or group only; personal 私人的; 私有的; 私用的; 个人的
father´s own private chair, which no one else is allowed to use 父亲专用的椅子, 别人一概不许使用
a private letter, ie about personal matters 私人信件
private property 私有财产
a private income/private means, ie money not earned as a salary, etc but coming from personal property, investments, etc 私产所得(由个人财产、 投资等获得而非来自工资等之收入)
private fishing 私人捕鱼活动
`Is this a hotel?´ `No, it´s a private house.´ `这是旅馆吗?'`不是, 这是私人住宅.' 2 (a) not (to be) revealed to others; secret 不公开的; 秘密的
I´m not going to tell you about it; it´s private. 我不打算把此事告诉你; 这是私事.
That´s my private opinion. 这是我私下持有的见解. (b) not liking to share thoughts and feelings with others 不喜欢与他人交流思想感情的
He´s a rather private person. 他不太喜欢和别人交流思想感情. 3 (of a conversation, meeting, etc) with only a small number of participants, esp two, and kept secret from others (指谈话、 会议等)只有少数人(尤指两人)参加并对其他人保密的
I´d like a private chat with you. 我想跟你私下谈谈. 4 (a) (of a place) quiet and free from intruders (指场所)清静的, 不受侵扰的
Let´s find some private spot where we can discuss the matter. 咱们找个清静的地方谈谈这个问题吧. (b) [usu pred 通常作表语] (of people) undisturbed by others; alone together (指人们)不受他人打扰; 无外人
Let´s go upstairs where we can be a bit more private. 咱们上楼吧, 那里没什麽外人. 5 (a) [attrib 作定语] having no official job or position 无官方职务或职位的
She is acting as a private individual in this matter. 她在这个问题上只代表她个人意见.
a private citizen 平民. (b) not connected with one´s work or official position 与工作或官职无关的
The Queen is making a private visit to Canada. 女王正对加拿大进行私人访问.
The public is fascinated by the private lives of public figures. 公众对社会名流的私生活具有浓厚的兴趣. 6 of, belonging to or carried out by an individual or an independent company rather than the State; not state-controlled 个体(经营)的; 私营的; 民办的; 不受国家控制的
private industry 私营企业
the private sector, ie of the economy 私营部门
private education, medicine, medical treatment, etc 民办教育、 私人行医、 民间疗法
a private school 私立学校
a private patient, ie (in Britain) not on the National Health Service 自费病人(英国不享受国民保健署资助者)
a private pension plan 私营企业的养老金制
a private detective/investigator, ie one not employed by the police 私人侦探. Cf 参看 public. private, n 1 [C] soldier of the lowest rank 士兵; 列兵
He enlisted as a private. 他入伍当了士兵.
Private Smith 列兵史密斯. =>App 9 见附录9. 2 privates [pl] (infml 口) = private parts. 3 (idm 习语) in private with no one else present 无他人在场; 私下地
She asked to see him in private. 她请求单独与他见面.