n. 进步, 发展, 前进
vi. 进步, 进行
【经】 进度
progress to
make progress
1 [U] forward or onward movement 前进; 行进
The walkers were making slow progress up the rocky path. 行人沿著岩石小道慢慢往上走.
The yacht made good progress with a following wind. 那小帆船顺风行驶得很快.
2 [U] advance or development, esp towards a better state进步, 进展, 发展(尤具改进之意)
the progress of civilization 文明的进展
There has been very little progress this term. 这学期没有什麽进步.
The patient is making good progress (ie is getting better) after her operation. 这个女病人动过手术後病情大为好转.
Strike leaders have reported some progress in the talks to settle the dispute. 罢工的领导人汇报了在解决争端的谈判中所取得的某些进展.
[attrib 作定语]
a `progress report 进行情况的报告.
3 [C] (arch 古) journey made by a sovereign or ruler (帝王等的)巡行, 巡游
a royal progress around the country 国王之全国巡游.
4 (idm 习语) in progress being done or made 进行中
An inquiry is now in progress. 调查工作此刻正在进行中.
Please be quiet recording in progress. 正在录音--请勿喧哗.
progress v
1 [I] make progress 前进; 行进; 进步; 进展
The work is progressing steadily. 工作在稳步地取得进展.
She is progressing in her studies. 她学习有进步.
In some ways, civilization does not seem to have progressed much in the last century. 在某些方面, 上个世纪文明似乎进展不大.
2 [Tn] cause(work, etc) to make regular progress towards completion使(工作等)正常进行、 有进步或取得进展.