
n. 晋级, 创建, 增进
【经】 推广, 推销, 促进
promotion n 1 (a) [U] raising or being raised to a higher rank or position 提升; 晋级
gain/win promotion 获得晋级
If you are successful, you can expect promotion. 你只要做出成绩, 就能指望获得提升.
[attrib 作定语] promotion prospects 晋升的可能性. (b) [C] instance of this 提升; 晋升
The new job is a promotion for her. 这份新工作对她来说是一次提升. 2 [U] ~ of sth encouragement or aid to the progress of (a cause) (对某事业的)促进, 提倡, 赞助
They worked for the promotion of world peace. 他们为促进世界和平而努力. 3 (a) [U] advertising or other activity intended to increase the sales of a product (为推销商品而作的)广告宣传, 推销活动
She is responsible for sales promotion.她负责推销工作.
Advertising is often the most effective method of promotion. 做广告往往是最有效的推销方法. (b) [C] advertising or publicity campaign for a particularproduct (某商品的)推销广告或宣传活动
We are doing a special promotion of our paperback list. 我们正在搞推销平装书的特别宣传活动.