
n. 资格, 条件, 限制
【计】 限定
【医】 合格, 规格, 学位
【经】 资格, 合格证明, 附带申明
qualification n 1 [U] qualifying or becoming qualified 赋予资格; 获得资格. 2 [C] (a) training, examination or experience that qualifies (qualify 1) sb for work, further training, etc 资格; 资历. (b) degree, diploma, certificate, etc awarded for this (获得的)学位, 文凭, 证书, 执照等
What sort of qualifications do you need for the job? 做这项工作需要什麽资格?
He´s got all the right qualifications but is temperamentally unsuitable. 他具备所需要的一切合格证件, 惟独性情不适合. 3 [C, U] statement that modifies or restricts a previous statement (对前述言语或文字的)限定条件
She gave her approval to the scheme but not without several qualifications. 她批准了这项计画,但附加了几项意见.
I can recommend him without qualification. 我可以毫无保留地推荐他.