
n. 问题, 询问
vt. 询问, 审问, 怀疑
vi. 询问, 审问, 怀疑
【计】 询问
ask a question of sb
put sb to the question
beside the question
call sth in question
in question
out of the question
out of question
There is no question but that
There's no question about
come into question
make no question of
past question
put a question to sb
There is no question of
to the question
without question
ask sb a question
question n 1 [C] form of expression in speech or writing that requests an answer from sb 问题
ask a lot of questions 问很多问题
Question 3 is quite difficult. 第3个问题很难.
I will be happy to answer questions at the end. 我愿在最後回答一些问题.
I´d like to put a question to the speaker. 我想向发言者提一个问题. 2 [C] topic that is being or needs to be discussed; problem that needs to be solved 议题; 难题
What about the question of security? 安全的问题怎麽办?
We have to consider the question of where to sleep. 我们得考虑在何处安歇的问题.
The question of choosing a successor has arisen. 挑选後继人的问题已经提出. 3 [U] raising of doubt 质疑: There is no/some question about his honesty. 他的诚实没有[有些]问题.
Her sincerity is beyond question. 她态度诚恳, 毋庸置疑.
His suitability for the post is open to question. 对这一职位他是否适宜很成问题. 4 (idm 习语) beg the question=> beg. bring sth/come into `question (cause sth to) be discussed or considered as a matter of importance (使某事物)被讨论, 被考虑
My promotion brings into question the status of certain other members of staff. 提升我後某些职员的地位就成了问题. call sth in/into `question express doubt about sth 对某事物表示怀疑
His moral standards have been called into question. 他的道德标准令人生疑. a fair question => fair1. in `question being considered or discussed 正被考虑或讨论
The woman in question is sitting over there. 提到的那个女的就在那里坐著呢.
The job in question is available for three months only. 所谈到的这一工作空缺为时仅三个月. it is a question of what is really involved is 问题在於
It isn´t a question of whether we can afford a holiday I´m just too busy at the moment. 问题倒不是我们是否有钱度假--而是目前我实在太忙了.
She is so talented that her success can only be a question of time. 她才华横溢, 事业成功只是时间问题.a loaded question => load2. a moot point/question=> moot. out of the `question not worth discussing; impossible 不值得讨论的; 不可能的
Missing school to watch the football match is out of the question. 为看足球比赛而旷课, 那可不行.
A new bicycle is out of the question we can´t afford it. 买新自行车的事谈不到--我们买不起. pop the question => pop4. a/the sixty-four thousand dollar question => dollar.there is some/no question of there is a/no possibility of 有[没有]...的可能性
There was some question of selling the business. 有可能将公司转让.
There will be no question of anyone being made redundant. 决不可能裁掉任何人. a vexed question => vex. question v 1 [Tn] ask (sb) a question or questions 问(某人)问题
They questioned her closely about her friendship with the dead man. 他们仔细查问她与死者的情谊.
I was questioned by the police for six hours. 警方把我盘问了六个小时.
I´d like to question you on your views about the housing problem. 我想问问你对住房问题的看法. 2 [Tn, Tw] express or feel doubt about (sth) 对(某事物)表示或感到怀疑
Her sincerity has never been questioned. 她的诚意从未受到怀疑.
Do you question my right to read this? 你是否怀疑我无权看这份材料?
We must question the value of our link with the university. 我们要斟酌一下与这所大学联系有何价值.
I seriously question whether we ought to continue. 我真正怀疑我们是否应该继续下去.