
ad. 相当, 完全, 十分
quite something
quite adv 1 (not used with a negative 不与否定词连用) (a) (used esp with adjs or advs that refer to a gradable quality 尤与表示程度的形容词或副词连用) to some extent; not very; fairly 达到某种程度; 不很; 相当
quite big, small, good, cold, warm, interesting, etc 相当大、 小、 好、 冷、 热、 有趣等
The girl sang quite a long song. 这女孩儿唱了一首很长的歌.
He plays quite well. 他表演得挺不错.
I quite like some opera music. 我颇喜欢某些歌剧乐曲. =>Usage at fairly 用法见fairly. (b) (used as an intensifier with adjs or advs that express an extreme opinion 与表示极度的形容词或副词连用, 以加强语气)
quite awful, delicious, dazzling, amazing, unbelievable, etc 太糟糕、 好吃、 耀眼、 奇妙、 不可置信等
a quite extraordinary experience 极不平凡的经历
The view was quite breathtaking. 那景色美极了.
That was quite the nicest meal I´ve ever had. 那可真是我吃过的最好的一顿饭.
She performed quite brilliantly. 她表演得确实很优美. 2 (used with absolute measures 与表示绝对的词语连用) completely; entirely 完全地; 整体地; 十分地
quite empty, perfect, unique, flawless, enough 完全空的、 完美的、 独特的、 无瑕的、 充足的
The theatre was not quite (ie almost) full. 戏院尚未全满.
Cheer up, it´s not quite hopeless yet. 振作起来, 并非毫无希望.
Are you sure you´re quite satisfied? 你真十分满意吗?
He has quite recovered from his illness. 他已痊愈.
The answer is 62 quite right. 答案是62--完全正确.
I quite agree/understand. 我完全同意[理解].
talking on the telephonefor quite 2 hours 打电话整整谈了两小时
`I made myself a cup of tea while I was waiting.´ `Oh don´t worry, that´s quite all right.´ `我等候的时候, 自己沏了一杯茶.'`噢, 没关系, 当然可以了.' 3 (used as an interj to express agreement or understanding 用作叹词表示同意或理解)
`It´s not something we want to have talked about.´`Quite (so).´ `那不是我们要谈的事.'`的确(如此).'
`He´s bound to feel shaken after his accident.´ `Quite.´ `他出事之後一定心有余悸.'`不错.' 4 (idm 习语) quite a `few; quite a `lot (of) a considerable number or amount 相当多
Quite a few people came to the lecture. 有相当多的人来听讲.
We drank quite a lot of wine. 我们喝了不少葡萄酒. quite a; quite some (approv 褒 esp US) (used to indicate that a person or thing is unusual 用以指某人或物不寻常)
It must be quite some car. 那辆汽车可不比寻常.
We had quite a party. 我们的聚会很不一般. ,quite some `time a considerable length of time 相当长的时间
It happened quite some time ago. 那是很久以前的事. quite, det 1 (used before a/the + n or before a name, as an intensifier 用於a/the +名词前或用於名字前, 以加强语气)
quite a beauty, hero, swimmer 真是个美女、 英雄、 游泳健将
We found it quite a change when we moved to London. 我们搬到伦敦, 真有天壤之别.
It´s not quite the Lake District but the countryside´s very pretty. 这儿虽说比不上湖区, 但郊外的景色倒也十分漂亮. 2 (idm 习语) (not) ,quite the (done) `thing (not) that which is considered socially acceptable (不)得体
It wasn´t quite the done thing for women to drink in pubs in those days. 那年月女的到酒店喝酒可不成体统. ,quitethe `fashion, `rage, etc extremely popular or fashionable极为流行或时髦
Black leather trousers seem to be quite the rage these days. 近来黑色皮裤似乎风靡一时. quite, NOTE ON USAGE 用法
In British English quite can have different meanings partly depending on the intonation of the sentence. 在英式英语中, quite 一词有时靠句中的语调可表达不同的意思. 1 If quite carries the main stress when used with gradable words (ie those describing qualities which can be of different strengths or degrees) it has a negative meaning such as `not very´ 若quite有主要重音, 与之连用的是表示程度的词(即其性质可有强弱或程度差别者), 则quite有否定含义, 如`不很'
He´s `quite handsome. 他不太漂亮.
She played `quite well. 她表演得不怎麽好. 2 If quite receives secondary or no stress the sentence expresses more approval and possibly surprise 如quite有次重音或无重音, 则全句较具褒义, 也可能表示惊奇
I was quite `pleased. 我挺高兴.
I think he´s quite `handsome. 我认为他够漂亮的了. 3 When quite is used with aword expressing an absolute quality, it means `completely´ and does not usually carry the main stress 若quite与表示绝对的词连用时, 其意为`完全', 通常不带主要重音
It was quite `wonderful. 那可太妙了.
She played quite `brilliantly. 她表演得优美极了. But compare 试比较 I ,quite a`gree with you (= I entirely agree with you). 我完全同意你的意见.