
n. 引用
vt. 引述, 举证, 报(价)
vi. 引用
【化】 报价
【经】 报价, 开价
quote v 1 [I, Ipr, Tn, Tn.pr] ~ (sth) (from sb/sth) repeat in speech or writing (words previously said or written by another person) 引用, 引述, 引证(他人的语言或文字)
You said (and I quote)
`I have always loved her.´ 你曾说过(我引用你的原话): `我一直爱著她.'
He´s always quoting verses from the Bible. 他经常引用《圣经》中的章节.
She is quoted as saying she disagrees with the decision. 用她的话说, 她不同意这一决定.
I think he´s going to resign, but please don´t quote me, ie because I am not sure if it is true. 我想他要辞职了, 可请不要说是我说的(因为我没有把握是否确实). 2 [Tn, Dn.n] mention (sb/sth) in support of a statement 提到(某人[某事物])以支持某论点
Can you quote (me) an example of what you mean? 你能否(给我)举个例子, 以说明你的意思? 3 [Tn, Tn.pr, Dn.n] ~ sth (at sth) name (an amount) as the price of sth 报(价); 开(价)
The shares are currently being quoted at 54 pence a share. 该股票现在的报价是每股54便士.* This is the best price I can quote you. 这是我给你开出的对你最有利的价钱了. Cf 参看 estimate2 2. quote, n (infml 口) 1 [C] =quotation 2. 2 quotes [pl] =quotation-marks (quotation)
His words are in quotes. 他的话是加了引号的. 3 (idm 习语) `quote (...`unquote) (used when speaking to show the beginning (and end) of a passage being quoted, esp when the speaker disagrees with it 用於说话时表示一段引文的开始(和结尾), 尤指说话人不以为然者)
This quote startlingly original novel unquote is both boring and badly written. 这部所谓的`不同凡响的小说'云云, 内容既枯燥、 文笔又拙劣. 4 (infml 口) = quotation 4.