
n. 架, 行李架, 饲草架, 搁物架, 痛苦, 折磨, 齿条, 行云团
vt. 把...放在架上, 在架上制作, 折磨, 使痛苦, 压榨, 榨取, 猛烈撕拉, 拷问
vi. 变形, 倾斜, (云)随风飘, (马)小步跑
【计】 机架
【化】 齿轨; 固定架; 滑轨; 撕裂
【医】 支架, 格栅
off the rack
be on the rack
rack one's brains
rack up
go to rack and ruin
go to rack and manger
rack and ruin
rack n 1 (often in compounds 常用以构成复合词) framework, usu with bars or pegs, for holding things or for hanging things on (放东西或挂东西用的)架子: a `plate-rack 盘碟架
a `wine-rack, ie for holding wine bottles 酒瓶架
a `toast-rack 面包片架 * a `hat-rack 帽架. 2 type of shelf for light luggage, coats, etc over the seats of a bus, train, plane, etc (公共汽车、 火车、 飞机等座位上方放置轻便行李、 衣物等的)行李架: a `luggage-rack 行李架. 3 rod, bar or rail with teeth or cogs, into which those of a wheel, gear, etc fit 齿条; 齿板; 齿轨
a `steering rack, eg on a cable car 转向齿条(如缆车上的). Cf 参看 pinion2. rack n 1 (usu 通常作 the rack) (formerly) instrument of torture consisting of a frame with rollers to which a person´s wrists and ankles were tied so that his joints were stretched when the rollers were turned (旧时)拉肢拷问台(一种刑具)
put sb on the rack 对某人施以拉肢之刑. 2 (idm 习语) on the `rack in severe pain or mental distress (肉体或精神上)受极大折磨. rack, v 1 [Tn] torture (sb) on the rack 以拉肢之刑拷问或折磨(某人). 2 [Tn esp passive 尤用於被动语态] (of disease, pain or mental distress) cause agony to (sb) (指疾病、 疼痛、 苦恼等)使(某人)极为痛苦
racked with pain, fever, etc 因疼痛、 发烧等而痛苦
A coughing fit racked her whole body. 她一阵咳嗽全身都十分难受.
a voice racked by sobs/weeping 抽抽搭搭[哭哭啼啼]的痛苦的声音
racked by (feelings of) guilt, remorse, doubt, etc 深受内疚、 悔恨、 怀疑等之苦. 3 (idm 习语) rack one´s `brain(s) try very hard to think of sth or recall sth 苦思某事; 努力回忆某事
We racked our brains for an answer. 我们为寻找答案而绞尽脑汁.
I´ve been racking my brains (trying) to remember his name. 我一直在回想他的名字. rack n (idm 习语) go to ,rack and `ruin fall into a ruined or disorganized state through neglect 因忽视而致毁坏、 混乱或瓦解
The old empty house soon went to rack and ruin. 这所旧的空房子很快就毁坏了.
This country is going to rack and ruin; we need a change of government. 这个国家正在分崩离析, 我们需要更换政府.