
n. 比率, 率, 速度, 价格, 费用, 等级
vt. 估价, 认为, 鉴定等级, 责骂
vi. 被评价, 责骂
【化】 速率
【医】 率, 速度, [速]率
【经】 利率
at an easy rate
at any rate
at that rate
at this rate
rate up
rate with sb
ate n 1 standard of reckoning obtained by expressing the quantity or amount of one thing in relation to another 比率; 率
walk at a/the rate of 3 miles an hour 以每小时3英里的速度行走
produce cars at a rate of 50 a/per week 以每周50辆的速度生产汽车
the annual `birth/`marriage/`death rate 年出生[结婚/死亡]率
a high `pass/`failure rate, eg in an exam 高的及格[不及格]率
the ex`change rate/the rate of ex`change, ie the number of units of one currency given in exchange for one unit of another 兑换率. 2 measure of value, charge or cost 价值、 费用或价格的量度
a ,first-,,second-, ,third-rate `job 一等、 二等、 三等的工作
postal, advertising, insurance, etc rates 邮资、 广告费、 保险费
a low/high hourly rate of pay 按小时收取的低[高]报酬
special reduced rate for children, students, etc 儿童、 学生等的特惠价格
Surveys offered at reasonable rates. 提供测定服务收费廉宜.
What´s the going (ie current) rate for baby-sitters? 请临时保姆的费用现在是多少? 3 speed of movement, change, etc; pace (运动、 变化等的)速度; 进度
at a great, dreadful, steady, etc rate 以很高的、 惊人的、 稳定的...速度
His pulse-rate dropped suddenly. 他的脉搏突然放慢了.
double the rate of production, development, etc 使生产、 发展等速度提高一倍
At the rate you work, you´ll never finish. 按你这样的工作速度, 你绝对做不完. 4 (usu pl 通常作复数) (Brit) tax on land and buildings paid to local authorities (地方当局徵收的)房地产税
set a rate of 66p in the pound, ie 66 pence for every pound of a property´s value 规定按财产价值每英镑纳税66便士
an extra 5 on/off (ie added to/deducted from) the rates 在房地产税中增加[扣除]5英镑. 5 (idm 习语) at `any rate whatever may happen; in any case 无论如何; 不管怎样
That´s one part of the job done at any rate. 不管怎麽说, 这个工作已经做了一部分了. at a rate of `knots (infml 口) very rapidly 极快地. at `this/`that rate (infml 口) if this/that continues; doing things this/that way; if this/that is typical 照这样[那样]下去; 照这样[那样]做; 如果情况就是这样[那样]的话
At this rate, we shall soon be bankrupt. 这样下去的话, 我们很快就要破产了. rate v 1 [Tn, Tn.pr, Cn.n/a] ~ sth at sth; ~ sb/sth as sth estimate the worth or value of sb/sth 评定某人[某事物]的价值
(infml 口) I don´t rate this play (ie think it is good) at all. 我认为这出戏一点都不好.
What do you rate his income at? 你估计他的收入有多少?
She is highly rated as a novelist. 她这位小说家受到很高的评价. 2 [Tn.pr] regard (sb/sth) as; consider 把(某人[某事物])看成是; 认为
Do you rate Tom among your friends? 你认为汤姆是你的朋友吗? 3 [esp passive 尤用於被动语态
Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sth (at sth) (Brit) value (property) in order to assess rates (rate1 4) 核定(财产)的价值以确定应纳的税额
a house rated at 500 per annum 按财产核定每年应纳税500英镑的房子.4 [La] rank or be regarded in a specified way 以某方式划分等级或对待
That task rates low on my priority list. 那件事情并不是我的当务之急. 5 [Tn] (US infml 口) be worthy of (sth); deserve 有(某事物)的价值; 值得
That joke didn´t rate a laugh. 那笑话不值一笑.