
n. 休息, 休会, 放假, 凹进处, 深处
vt. 使凹进
vi. 休假, 休息
【化】 凹口; 凹穴
【医】 隐窝
recess n 1 [C, U] (a) (US also vacation) period of time when work or business is stopped, esp in Parliament, the lawcourts, etc (工作或业务活动的)中止或暂停期间; (尤指国会、 法庭等的)休会期, 休庭期: the summer recess 暑假
Parliament is in recess. 议会处於休会期. (b) (US) break between classes at school (学校的)课间休息. =>Usage at break2 用法见break2. 2 [C] space in a room where part of a wall is set back from the main part; alcove 壁凹(墙壁的凹进处); 凹室; 壁龛
a door, window, cupboard, etc recess 可供安门、 窗、 橱柜等的壁凹. 3 [C] hollow space inside sth 某物内部的凹形空间
a drawer with a secret recess 有隐秘槽子的抽屉. 4 [C usu pl 通常作复数] remote or secret place 遥远或隐秘的地方
the dark recesses of a cave 洞中隐秘的暗处
(fig 比喻) in the innermost recesses of the heart/mind 在内心[思想]的最深处. recess, v 1 [Tn esp passive 尤用於被动语态] place (sth) in a recess(2) 把(某物)放在墙壁的凹处
recessed shelves, windows, etc 在墙壁的凹处设置的搁架、 窗户等. 2 [Tn esp passive 尤用於被动语态] set (a wall) back; provide (a wall) with recesses 将(墙)做成凹形; 在(墙)上做壁龛. 3 [I] (US) take a recess(1a) 休息; 休假; 休会; 休庭.