
a. 遥远的, 偏僻的, 疏远的, 微少的
【计】 远程, 远程访问实用程序
remote adj (-rst) 1 (a) ~ (from sth) far away from other communities, houses, etc; isolated (与其他社区、 房子等)远离的, 遥远的, 隔离的
a remote region, village, farmhouse, etc 偏僻的地区、 村子、 农舍等
in the remotest (ie most distant) parts of Asia 在亚洲的最偏远的地方
in a house remote from any town or village 在远离任何城镇或村庄的房子里. (b) [attrib 作定语] far away in time (时间上)遥远的, 久远的
in the remote past/future 在遥远的过去[未来]. (c) [attrib 作定语] distant in relationship or kinship (亲属关系)远的
a remote ancestor of mine 我的远祖. (d) ~ (from sth) separate (in feeling, interest, etc); not connected (with sth) (感情、 关注的事等方面)距离很大的; (与某事物)无关的
Your comments are rather remote from the subject we are discussing. 你的评论跟我们正谈的问题关系不大.
remote causes, effects, etc 不相干的原因、 後果等. 2 (of a person or his manner) cold and unfriendly; aloof (指人或态度)冷淡的, 疏远的, 漠不关心的. 3 small; slight 微小的; 轻微的
a remote possibility/chance 微乎其微的可能性[机会]
I haven´t the remotest idea who did it. 是谁做的我一点都不知道.
The connection between the two events is remote. 这两件事之间没有什麽联系.