
n. 请求, 需要, 申请书
vt. 请求, 要求, 邀请
【计】 请求
【经】 请求, 要求; 申请书
at someone's request
on request
request sth of sb
request sth from sb
be mailed on request
make a request for
request n 1 ~ (for sth/that...) (a) act of asking for sth in speech or writing, esp politely (口头或书面的)要求; (尤指)请求
make repeated requests for help 一再请求帮助
your request that I should destroy the letter 你要求我销毁那封信一事. (b) thing asked for in this way 要求或请求的事物
Your requests will be granted. 你的请求能够获准.
[attrib 作定语] a request programme, show, etc, ie in which music is played that has been requested by listeners 点播的节目、 演出等. 2 (idm 习语) at sb´s request/at the request of sb because of sb´s wish 应某人之请求; 鉴於某人之请求
I came at your (special) request. 我是(特别)应你要求而来的. by request (of sb) in response to a request (from sb) 应(某人的)请求; 经(某人之)要求
By popular request, the chairman was re-elected. 徇众要求, 主席获重选连任. on request when asked for 一经要求
Catalogues are available on request. 备有目录供索取. request, v [Tn,, Tf, Dn.t] ~ sth (from/of sb) (fml 文) ask sb, esp politely, in speech or writing to do sth (以口头或书面形式)要求, (尤指)请求某人做某事
request compliance with the rules, eg on a notice 请遵守规则(如告示用语)
All I requested of you was that you came early. 我只要求你早点来.
I requested him to help. 我请求他帮忙.
You are (kindly) requested not to smoke. 请不要吸烟. =>Usage at ask 用法见 ask.