
n. 滚筒, 滚轴, 压路机
【化】 滚柱; 托辊
【医】 棉卷, 纱布卷, 轧钢工, 压延工, 滚子
roller n[C] 1 (a) cylinder used for flattening or spreading things (碾轧或涂布用的) 衮子
a garden roller, ie for use on a lawn 园圃滚压机(碾草坪用)
a `road-roller, ie for levelling tarmac on roads, etc 压路机. (b) cylinder on which sth is placed to enable it to be moved 滚柱, 滚轴(物体置於其上便於移动)
The huge machine was moved to its new position on rollers.那台巨型机器用滚柱移到了新的地方. (c) cylinder on which sth is wound (缠绕东西的)滚筒, 滚轴
a `roller-blind, ie a type of window blind wound on a roller 卷式窗帘. (d) small cylinder of plastic around which hair is wound to make it curl 塑料发卷
put her hair in rollers (她)用发卷卷发. 2 long swelling wave 翻滚的巨浪
rollers crashing on the beach 冲击海滩的巨浪.