n. 罗马人
a. 罗马人的, 罗马的
(a) of ancient or modern Rome 古罗马的; 现代罗马的.
(b) of the ancient Roman republic or empire 古罗马共和国的; 古罗马帝国的
,Roman re`mains 古罗马的遗迹
an old Roman road 古罗马的道路.
2 of the Christian Church of Rome; Roman Catholic 罗马基督教会的; 天主教的
the Roman rite, eg contrasted with Greek or Russian Orthodox 天主教仪式(如与希腊或俄国东正教之仪式相对).
3 roman (of printing type) in ordinary upright form, like that used for this definition (指印刷字体)罗马字体的, 正体的
The words in the definition are roman/are set in roman type. 本定义中的英文字使用的是罗马字体. Cf 参看 italic. Roman, n
1 [C] member of the ancient Roman republic or empire 古罗马共和国或帝国的人; 古罗马人
after the Romans invaded Britain 在古罗马人入侵不列颠之後.
2 [C] native or inhabitant of the city of Rome 罗马市民.
3 [C] Roman Catholic 天主教教徒.
4 roman [U] plain upright type (not italic) like that used for the definitions in this dictionary 罗马字体,正体(如本词典英文定义使用的字体)
The above definition is set in roman; this example is in italics. 上面的定义用的是正体字排印的, 本例句用的是斜体.
5 (idm 习语) when in Rome, do as the Romans do (saying 谚) one should change one´s habits to suit the customs of the place one is living in or of the people one is living with 入乡随俗.