
n. 玫瑰, 蔷薇, 玫瑰色
a. 玫瑰色的, 玫瑰花的
vt. 使成玫瑰色
【医】 蔷薇, 玫瑰, 玫红[色]
under the rose
rose pt of rise2. rose n 1 [C] (bush or shrub, usu with thorns on its stems, bearing an) ornamental and usu sweet-smelling flower, growing in cultivated and wild varieties 蔷薇科植物; 蔷薇(花); 玫瑰(花)
I found him pruning his roses. 我看见他在修剪玫瑰.
a bunch of red roses 一束红玫瑰花
[attrib 作定语] a `rose bush 玫瑰丛. =>illus at App 1 见附录1插图, page ii. 2 [C] pink colour 粉红色: the rose (colour) of clouds at dawn 黎明时分云彩所呈现的粉红的颜色. 3 [C] perforated nozzle of a watering-can or hose-pipe, used for sprinkling plants, etc (喷壶或水管的)莲蓬式喷嘴. 4 [C] (also `ceiling rose) (esp plaster) decoration on a ceiling around the point where the main light is fitted 天花板上主灯周围的花饰(尤指灰泥制的). 5 (idm 习语) a bed of roses => bed1. not all `roses having some discomforts or disadvantages; not perfect 也有不如意或不利的地方; 并非完美
Being an opera star is not all roses by any means. 当上了歌剧明星也决非事事如意. look at/seesth through rose-coloured/rose-tinted `spectacles,etc think of/regard sth (esp life in general) too optimistically 看问题(尤指生活的整体)过於乐观. rose n [U] any of several types of pink wine 粉红色葡萄酒
an excellent (bottle of) rose (一瓶)优质红葡萄酒. Cf 参看 red wine (red1), white wine (white1).