
n. 跑步者, 赛跑者, 送信人, 走私船, 操作者, 滑槽
【化】 碾碎机; 压碎机
【经】 收款员(银行等的), 走私者, 推销员
runner n 1 person or animal that runs; one taking part in a race 奔跑的人或动物; 赛跑的人或动物
a long-distance runner 长跑者
There are eight runners (ie horses competing) in the final race. 有八匹马参加决赛. 2 messenger, esp for a bank or stockbroker信差; 送信人; (尤指银行或股票经纪人的)跑外. 3 (esp in compounds 尤用以构成复合词) person smuggling the goods stated into or out of an area 偷运某货物出入某地的人; 走私者
`drug-runners 偷运毒品的人
`gun-runners 走私枪枝的人. 4 metal or wood strip on which sth slides or moves along (金属制的或木制的)条状滑行装置
the runners (ie blades) of my ice-skates 我的冰鞋上的冰刀
sledge runners 雪橇的滑板. 5 creeping plant stem that can take root 匍匐茎; 纤匐枝
strawberry runners 草莓纤匐枝. 6 long narrow strip of embroidered cloth, lace, etc placed on a sideboard, table, etc for ornament or protection (铺於餐具柜、 桌子等上的)长条 花饰布、 饰带等.