
n. 审视, 浏览, 扫描, 细查
vt. 细看, 浏览, 扫描, 详细调查, 标出格律
vi. 押韵, 扫描
【计】 网络软件目录, 编码与分析系统
scan v (-nn-) 1 Tn] look at every part of (sth) carefully; examine (sth) with great attention 细看(某物)的各部; 仔细检查(某物)
He scanned the horizon, looking for land. 他细看天水相连的地方, 寻找陆地. 2 [Tn] (a) (of a searchlight, etc) pass across (an area) (指探照灯等)扫掠(某处)
The flashlight´s beam scanned every corner of the room. 手电筒的光束扫遍屋内各个角落. (b) (medical 医) obtain an image of (a body or part of the body) with a scanner 用扫描器扫描(身体或身体的部位). 3 [Tn] glance at (eg a document) quickly but not very thoroughly 匆匆而粗略地看(如文件)
She scanned the newspaper over breakfast. 她吃著早饭把报纸大略看了一遍. 4 (a) [Tn] analyse the metre of (a line of verse) by noting how it is stressed and how many syllables it has, as in `Mary `little/`lamb 划分(诗句)的音步(如`Mary/`had a/`little/`lamb.) (b) [I] (of verse) have a proper metrical pattern (指诗句)符合韵律
a line that does not scan 一行不合韵律的诗句
The verses scan well. 这些诗句韵律严谨. 5 [Tn] (in television, etc) pass an electronic beam over (sth), esp so as to produce a picture on a screen (电视等)扫描. scan, n act of scanning (scan 2b) 扫描
a `body scan, ie done by a scanner 全身扫描 * a `brain scan 脑扫描.