
n. 场, 情景, 镜头, 发生地点, 道具, 布景, 景色
【化】 现场
make a scene
come on the scene
make the scene
quit the scene
set the scene
scene n 1 place of an actual or imagined event (实际或想像中的)事发地点
the scene of the accident, crime, etc 事故、 犯罪等的现场
The scene of the novel is set in Scotland. 小说中的事是在苏格兰发生的. 2 situation or incident in real life (现实生活中的)情景, 事件
the horrific scenes after the earthquake 地震後的惨状
There were hilarious scenes when the pig ran into the shop. 猪闯进商店以後, 滑稽情景令人啼笑皆非. 3 (incident where there is an) outburst of emotion or anger 吵闹; 发脾气: make a scene 大吵大闹
There was quite a scene when she refused to pay. 她拒不付款引起了一场争吵.
We had a big scene when I fired him. 我解雇他时, 我们大吵起来. 4 (a) sequence of continuous action in a play, film, etc (戏剧或电影中的)片段, 场面
The scene in the hospital was very moving. 在医院的那一场面十分感人. (b) (abbr 缩写 sc) part of an act in a play or opera; episode within such a part (戏剧或歌剧的)场, (一场中的)一段情节
Act 1, Scene 2 of `Macbeth´ 《麦克佩斯》第一幕第二场
the duel scene in `Hamlet´ 《哈姆雷特》中决斗的一场. 5 place represented on the stage of a theatre; the painted background, woodwork, etc representing such a place; scenery (舞台上的)场景, 布景
The first scene of the play is the king´s palace. 剧中的第一个场景是王宫.
The scenes are changed during the interval. 剧间休息时更换布景. 6 view as seen by a spectator 景色; 景象; 景致
a delightful rural scene 赏心悦目的乡村景色
The boats in the harbour make a beautiful scene. 港湾中的船只构成了美丽的景象.
They went abroad for a change of scene, ie to see and experience new surroundings. 他们出国换换环境. 7 the scene [sing] (modified by a n 受名词修饰) (infml 口) the current situation in a particular area of activity or way of life 某一活动范围或生活方式的现状
the `drug scene 吸毒问题的现状
the `gay scene 同性恋活动的情况
a newcomer on the `fashion scene 时装界的新人
the entertainment scene in the West End of London 伦敦西区的娱乐场所. 8 (idm 习语) behind the `scenes (a) out of sight of the audience; behind the stage 在後台; 在幕後. (b) in secret; without being known to the public 秘密的; 暗中
political deals done behind the scenes 秘密的政治交易. come on the `scene arrive 到场
By the time I came on the scene, it was all over. 我来到时, 一切都结束了. not one´s scene (infml 口) not sth one knows about, is interested in, etc 非某人所熟悉的事物; 非某人兴趣之所在
I´m not going to the disco
it´s just not my scene. 我不想去跳迪斯科舞, 我完全不感兴趣. on the `scene present 在场
Reporters were soon on the scene after the accident. 那事故发生後不久记者就都赶到了现场. set the `scene (for sth) (a) describe a place or a situation in which sth is about to happen 作事前的现场或情况描述
Radio reporters were in the church to set the scene. 电台记者在教堂里作事前的现场介绍. (b) prepare for sth; help to cause sth 为某事物作准备; 促使
His arrival set the scene for another argument. 他一来就要另有一场争论了. steal the scene/show => steal.