
n. 摊派的款项, 税赋
【化】 涂载体空心柱
Scot n native of Scotland 苏格兰人
(The) Scots are an adventurous and inventive people. 苏格兰人既富於冒险精神又富於创造精神. scot, NOTE ON USAGE 用法
Compare Scottish, Scots and Scotch. 试比较 Scottish、 Scots、 Scotch这三个词. The adjective Scottish is used of the people and things of Scotland, Scots only of its people, its law and language. *Scottish 这一形容词用以指苏格兰的人和事物, 而 Scots 则仅指苏格兰的人、 法律和语言. Scotch is mainly used of certain products such as whisky and broth. *Scotch 主要用於某些产品, 如苏格兰的威士忌和汤. It is sometimes used for Scottish or Scots, but this is generally regarded as offensive or old-fashioned by Scottish people themselves. *Scotch这个词有时用以代替Scottish或Scots, 但苏格兰人本身普遍认为这是侮辱性的或是旧式用法. The noun Scots refers to the Scottish dialect of the English language and Scotch is whisky. *Scots 作名词时, 指英语中的苏格兰方言或称苏格兰英语; Scotch 则专指苏格兰威士忌. A native of Scotland is a Scot (or Scotsman/woman). 苏格兰本土的人称作Scot(或 Scotsman/woman).