n. 守候, 侦察, 搜索, 侦察员, 侦察机
vi. 守候, 侦察, 巡视, 嘲笑
vt. 侦察, 跟踪, 发现, 监视, 嘲弄
【法】 俱察, 侦察兵; 俱察, 寻找
1 person, ship or aircraft sent out to get information about the enemy´s position, strength, etc 侦察员; 侦察舰; 侦察机.
2 Scout (also formerly 旧时作 Boy `Scout) member of the Scout Association, an organization which aims to teach boys self-reliance, discipline and public service through outdoor activities 童子军
[attrib 作定语]
a scout troop, hut 童子军的部队、 营房. Cf 参看 Girl Guide (girl).
3 person whose job is to find talented performers (eg footballers, stage artists, etc) and offer them work 物色(运动员、 演员等)人材的工作人员
a `talent scout 物色演员或运动员的人.
4 servant at an Oxford college 牛津大学的校工. scout, v [Ipr, Ip]
~ around/about (for sb/sth)
1 look in various places to find sb/sth 到处寻找某人[某事物]
We´d better start scouting about for a new secretary. 我们最好著手物色一个新秘书.
I´ve been scouting around town for a better house. 我跑遍了全城想找个好一点的房子.
2 act as a scout(1) 侦察: scouting around (looking) for enemy troops 到各处侦察寻找敌军.