
n. 幕, 银幕, 屏风, 掩蔽物, 屏蔽, 筛子
vt. 掩蔽, 放映, 拍摄, 掩护, 筛, 甄别
vi. 拍电影
【计】 筛选; 屏幕
【化】 筛网; 网板
【医】 筛, 滤网, 屏[幕]
screen n 1 [C] upright, fixed or movable, sometimes folding framework used for dividing a room, concealing sth, protecting sb from excessive heat, light, etc 隔板; 屏; 幕; 帘; 帐
a screen in front of the fire 炉前的隔板
get undressed behind a screen 在屏风後脱衣服. 2 [C] anything that conceals sb or sth or gives protection, eg from the weather 掩蔽物
a screen of trees, eg hiding a house from a road 树林形成的屏障
use the blanket as a screen to keep the wind off 用毯子挡风
a `sunscreen, ie used to protect the skin from harmful rays from the sun 防晒剂(保护皮肤用的)
He was using his business activities as a screen for crime. 他用生意活动作掩护干著犯罪的勾当. 3 [C] (esp in old churches) wood or stone structure that partially separates the main part of a church from the altar, or the nave of a cathedral from the choir (尤指旧教堂的)圣坛屏幕, 唱诗班屏幕. =>illus at App 1 见附录1插图, page viii. 4 (a) [C] blank surface onto which still pictures or films are projected 银幕. =>illus 见插图. (b) [C] blank surface, esp on a TV or computer monitor, on which pictures or data are shown 屏幕, 荧光屏, 荧屏(尤指电视机或计算机的). (c) (often 常作 the screen) [sing] the film industry or cinema films 电影业; 电影界; 电影
write for the screen, ie write the dialogue for films 为电影写对白
a star of stage and screen, ie appearing in plays and films 戏剧兼电影明星
I work for both the big and the small screen, ie for both films and TV. 我从事影视工作.
[attrib 作定语] a screen actor, performance, writer 电影的演员、 上演、 脚本作者. (d) [C] cinema, esp one that is part of a complex of cinemas 电影院(尤指影院集中区的)
Two smaller screens will be opening in May. 五月份将有两家小型电影院开业. 5 [C] frame with fine wire netting to keep out flies, mosquitoes, etc 纱门、 纱窗等
a `door-screen 纱门 * a `window-screen 纱窗. 6 [C] large sieve or riddle used for separating coal, gravel, etc into different sizes by passing it through holes of different sizes (筛煤、 砾石等的)筛子. 7 [C] = sight-screen (sight1). 8 (idm 习语) the silver screen => silver. screen, v 1 [Tn,, Tn.p] ~ sth/sb (off) (from sth/sb); ~ sth/sb (against sth) conceal, protect or shelter sth/sb with a screen (用隔板、 屏、 幕等)隐藏、 掩护或遮蔽某物[某人]
The bushes will screen us while we change. 我们用灌木丛遮挡著换衣服.
The trees screen the house from view. 有这些树隔著看不见那所房子.
The camera lens must be screened from direct sunlight. 照相机的镜头不可受到阳光的直射.
The wall screens us against the wind. 这堵墙能给我们挡风.
A bookcase screens off part of the room. 有个书柜把房间隔开了一部分. 2 [Tn,] ~ sb (from sth/sb) (fig 比喻) protect sb (from blame, punishment, etc) 保护某人(不受责备、 惩罚等); 包庇; 袒护
Everyone´s angry with you, and I can´t screen you (from their anger). 大家都生你的气, 我无法护著你.
You can´t screen your children from real life for ever. 不能总护著孩子不让他们接触实际生活. 3 Tn] pass (coal, gravel, etc) through a screen(6) 筛(煤、 砾石等). 4 [Tn,] ~ sb/sth (for sth) examine or test sb/sth to find out if there is any disease, defect, etc 检查或测试某人[某事物](有无疾病、 缺陷等)
screen women for breast cancer 检查女子是否患有乳腺癌
The applications were carefully screened in case any of them contained false information.仔细审查了所有的申请资料以防弄虚作假.
Government employees are often screened by the security services, ie Their past history is checked, to ensure that they are not likely to be disloyal or subversive. 政府雇员经常受到保安部门审查. 5 [Tn] show (a film, scene, etc) on a screen(4a) 放映(影片、 片段等)
The film has been screened in the cinema and on TV. 这部电影已在电影院及电视上放映. screening n showing of a film, TV programme, etc (电影、 电视等的)放映
the film´s first screening in this country 该影片在本国之首映.