
n. 感应, 感觉, 感官, 意识, 观念, 情理, 知觉, 理智
vt. 感觉, 觉察, 检测
【计】 阅读; 检测
【医】 觉, 感觉
in a sense
in no sense
in the proper sense
in the strict sense
in the literal sense
in the figurative sense
make sense
make sense of
stand to sense
talk sense
speak sense
there's no sense in
have more sense than to
have too much sense to
sense n 1 [C] any of the five powers of the body by which a person, an animal, etc receives knowledge of things in the world around, ie sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch 感觉官能; 视觉; 听觉; 嗅觉; 味觉; 触觉
the five senses 五种感觉官能
have a keen sense of hearing 听觉灵敏. 2 [U, sing] (a) appreciation or understanding of the value or worth of sth (对价值的)辨别, 理解, 领悟
a sense of the (ie the ability to know what is) absurd, ridiculous, etc 对荒唐、 可笑等事物的识别力
not have much sense of humour, ie a liking for jokes, funny situations, etc 没什麽幽默感
a person with no sense of direction, ie who cannot find his way easily 无方向感的人. (b) consciousness of sth; awareness 觉察; 觉悟
a sense of one´s own importance, worth, etc 对自身的重要性、 价值等的觉察
have no sense of shame, guilt, etc 无羞耻心、 无罪恶感
feel a sense of security in her arms 在她怀里感到安全. 3 [U] ability to make reasonable judgements; practical wisdom 识别力; 常识; 见识
have the sense to come in out of the rain 懂得进来避雨
There´s a lot of sense in what she says. 她说的话很有见地. 4 senses [pl] normal state of mind; ability to think 健全的心智; 思维的能力
lose/regain one´s senses 失去[恢复]理智. 5 [U] reason; purpose 道理; 目的
What´s the sense of doing that? 为什麽要做那件事呢?
There´s no sense in going alone, ie It would be better not to. 一个人去没有好处. 6 [C] (a) meaning of a word, phrase, etc (词语等的)意义
a word with several senses 有几个意思的词
The sense of the word is not clear. 这个词的意思不清楚. (b) way in which a word, sentence, etc is to be understood (词句等)被理解的意义
in the strict/literal/figurative sense of the expression 按照严格的[字面的/比喻的]意义来说
I am a worker only in the sense that I work; I don´t get paid for what I do. 我是工作人员, 这是仅就我做工作而言的; 我并无报酬. 7 [sing] the ~ of sth (fml 文) general feeling or opinion among a group of people (集体的)普遍感觉或意见
The sense of the meeting was (ie Most people present thought) that he should resign. 与会者普遍认为他应该辞职. 8 (idm 习语) beat, knock, drive, etc (some) sense into sb (infml 口) change sb´s behaviour, views, etc by severe or sometimes violent methods 改变某人的行为、 看法等(用严厉的, 有时为粗暴的方式)
She´s a wild uncontrollable girl, but that new school should knock some sense into her. 她是个很不听话的女孩儿, 那所新学校应该能管管她了. bring sb to his/come to one´s `senses (a) (make sb) stop behaving foolishly or irrationally (使某人)不再做傻事或不理智的事
He was finally brought to his senses and agreed to let the hostages go. 他最後恢复些理智, 同意释放人质. (b) wake (sb) up from unconsciousness 使(某人)苏醒
When I came to my senses, I was lying on the floor. 我苏醒过来的时候是在地板上躺著呢. in a `sense if the statement, etc is understood in a particular way 在某种意义上
What you say is true in a sense. 你的话在某种意义上属实. in one´s `senses in one´s normal state of mind; sensible 头脑健全; 神志清醒
No one in their right senses would let a small child go out alone. 凡是有理智的人, 谁都不会让那麽小的孩子独自出门. make `sense (a) have an understandable meaning 有意义; 有道理; 讲得通
What you say makes no sense. 你说的话没有道理.
These words are jumbled up and don´t make sense. 这些词藻堆砌在一起讲不通. (b) be sensible 是明智的; 是合情理的
It doesn´t make sense to buy that expensive coat when these cheaper ones are just as good. 这些便宜的大衣也很好, 何必非买那件贵的不可.
It would make sense to leave early. 还是早点儿走好. make sense of sth understand sth difficult or apparently meaningless 理解或弄懂困难的或似无法理解的事物
Can you make sense of this poem? 你看得懂这首诗吗? out of one´s `senses not in one´s normal state of mind; foolish 精神不正常; 愚蠢
You sold it? You must be out of your senses! 你把它卖了? 你简直是疯了! see `sense start to be sensible 明白事理
I hope she soon sees sense and stops fighting a battle she cannot win. 我希望她能很快明白过来, 别再打这场打不赢的仗了. a sense of occasion special feeling produced in sb by a special event, etc 遇到某种情况而产生的某种感觉. a sixth sense awareness of things one cannot actually see, hear, etc 第六感觉; 第六感官
A sixth sense told her that he would be waiting for her when she got home. 她有一种第六感觉, 就是她到家时他一定在那儿等候她呢. take leave of one´s senses => leave2. talk sense =>talk2. sense, v 1 [Tn, Tf, Tw] become aware of (sth); feel 意识到(某事物); 感觉到
sense sb´s sorrow, hostility, etc 感觉到某人的忧愁、 敌意等
Although she didn´t say anything, I sensed (that) she didn´t like the idea. 她虽然什麽也没说, 但我已意识到她不喜欢这个主意. 2 [Tn] (of a machine, etc) detect (sth) (指机器等)检测出(某事物)
an apparatus that senses the presence of toxic gases 能检测出有毒气体存在的仪器. sense, NOTE ON USAGE 用法: The noun sense can mean 1 `the way the body experiences its surroundings´
the sense of touch, sight, etc, or 2 `reason, good judgement´: She talks a lot of good sense. *sense作名词时可指1`身体感受周围事物的方式'
the sense of touch, sight, etc(触觉、 视觉等), 也可指2`道理、 识别力'
She talks a lot of good sense. (她说得很有道理.) The adjective sensitive usually relates to meaning 1 与这个词有关的形容词sensitive含上述第1义
She´s got very sensitive hearing, skin, etc. 她的听觉、 触觉等很灵敏.
Don´t laugh at him; he´s very sensitive. 千万别笑他, 他很敏感. Sensible relates to meaning 2 另一个形容词sensible含上述第2义
She gave me some sensible advice. 她给我提的建议很有道理.
You must try to be more sensible. 你得懂点儿好歹.