
n. 摇动, 震动
vt. 摇动, 动摇, 使震动, 挥舞
vi. 震动, 发抖, 动摇
【机】 木材裂纹, 摇动; 摇荡, 震动
shake and be friends
give...the shake
in half a shake
put sb on the shake
put the shake on sb
shake sth down
shake down
shake sb down
shake it up
shake oneself together
shake sb out
shake sth out
shake sb up
shake sth up
shake with cold
shake the credit of
shake one's fist at sb
shake one's fist in sb's face
shake v (pt shook , pp shaken ) 1 (a) [La, I, Tn, Tn.p, Cn.a] ~ sb/sth (about/around) (cause sb/sth to) move quickly and often jerkily from side to side or up and down (使某人[某物])急速摇动或颠簸(常指猛然产生或停止)
a bolt shaking loose in an engine 发动机上震松的螺栓
The earth shook under us, eg in an earthquake. 大地在我们脚下抖动(如地震时).
The table shook when she banged her fist on it. 她用拳头把桌子敲得直颤.
Shake the bottle before taking the medicine. 服药前先将药瓶摇一摇.
He shook the carpet to get rid of the dust. 他把地毯上的尘土抖掉了.
He shook her violently as a dog shakes a rat. 他使劲把她推来推去, 像狗玩老鼠似的.
Great sobs shook his whole body. 他哭得浑身发抖.
The bumpy car ride shook us around a bit. 汽车把我们颠得有些摇摇晃晃.
Vibrations shook the panel loose. 仪表板震松了. (b) [I, Ipr] ~ (with sth) (of a person) tremble; quiver (指人)发抖, 打颤
laughed until their sides shook 笑得他们浑身直颤
shaking with laughter, fear, rage, etc 笑得、 吓得、 气得...打颤
shaking with cold 冻得发抖. 2 (a) [Tn, Tn.p] ~ sb (up) disturb the calmness of sb; trouble or shock sb 使某人心绪不宁; 烦扰或惊吓某人
shaken by the news of her death 受到她死讯的震惊
They were badly shaken (up) in the accident. 他们在这次事故中受到很大打击.
This surprising development quite shook me. 这一惊人的新情况把我吓坏了. (b) [Tn] make (sth) less certain; weaken 动摇(某人)的想法; 减弱
shake sb´s faith, courage, belief, etc 动摇某人的信仰、 削弱某人的勇气、 动摇某人的信念
Her theory has been shaken by this new evidence. 这一新证据动摇了她的理论. 3 [I, Ipr] ~ (with sth) (of sb´s voice) become weak or faltering; tremble (指某人的嗓音)变弱, 发颤, 颤抖
His voice shook (with emotion) as he announced the news. 他宣布这一消息时, 声音(因激动)有些颤抖. 4 [I, Ipr] ~ (on sth) (infml 口) shake hands 握手
We´re agreed, so let´s shake (on it). 咱们意见一致了, 握握手吧. 5 (idm 习语) shake the dust (of...) off one´s feet leave a place one does not like, hoping not to return 离开厌恶之处, 但愿不再返回
After a year of misery here, I´m finally shaking the dust of this town off my feet. 我在这个市镇受了一年罪, 总算离开这里了. shake one´s `fist (at sb) show that one is angry with sb or threaten sb by shaking one´s fist 向某人挥拳表示愤怒或恐吓. shake sb´s `hand/shake `hands (with sb)/shake sb by the `hand grasp sb´s hand and move it up and down as a greeting, or to express agreement, etc 握手(表示问候或同意等). shake one´s `head turn one´s head from side to side as a way of indicating `no´, or to express doubt, sorrow, disapproval, etc 摇头(表示否定、 怀疑、 悲伤、 不赞成等). shake in one´s `shoes (infml 口) be very frightened 非常害怕
He was shaking in his shoes at the thought of flying for the first time. 他想到这是他第一次乘飞机就吓得要命. shake a `leg (dated Brit sl 旧, 俚) (esp imperative 尤用於祈使句) get moving; start to act; hurry 出发; 动手; 赶快; 快点儿
Come on, shake a leg, we´re late already. 好啦, 快点儿吧, 我们已经晚啦. shake like a leaf tremble with fear, nervousness, etc 因害怕、 紧张...而发抖. 6 (phr v) shake down (a) settle down and function properly 安顿下来, 一切就绪
The new office staff are shaking down well. 新职员各方面都很顺利. (b) sleep somewhere where there is no proper bed 睡在没有正式床的地方
You can shake down on the floor. 你可以临时睡在地板上. shake sb down (US infml 口) get money from sb by threats, violence, etc 勒索或敲诈某人. shake sb/sth down (US infml 口) search sb/sth thoroughly 彻底搜查某人[某处]
Police shook the club down, looking for narcotics. 警方为搜索毒品把那个俱乐部彻底搜查了一遍. shake n 1 [C usu sing 通常作单数] act of shaking or being shaken 摇动; 震动; 颠簸
a shake of the head, ie indicating `no´ 摇一下头(表示否定)
I gave my purse a shake, and a coin fell out. 我摇了一下钱包, 掉出一枚硬币. 2 the shakes [sing v] (infml 口) fit of trembling or shivering 哆嗦; 寒战
a high temperature and a fit of the shakes 发高烧打哆嗦. 3 (idm 习语) a fair shake =>fair1. in a couple of `shakes/in two `shakes (of a lamb´s tail) (infml 口) in a moment; very soon 马上; 立刻
Hang on! I´ll be back in two shakes! 电话先不要挂! 我马上就来! no great shakes => great.