
n. 商店, 工厂, 车间
vi. 购物, 到处寻找
vt. 选购
【化】 工作室; 交付检修
【经】 商店, 工厂, 工场
cut the shop
keep a shop
keep shop
set up shop
shop around
shut up shop
sink the shop
talk shop
tend shop
all over the shop
come to the wrong shop
go to the wrong shop
shop n 1 (US store) building or room where goods or services are sold to the public 商店; 店
a butcher´s, chemist´s, etc shop 肉店、 药房
a sweet-shop 糖果店 * a bookshop 书店 * serve in a shop 当店员. 2 (also `workshop) (esp in compounds 尤用以构成复合词) place where things are manufactured or repaired 工厂; 车间
an engineering shop 机械加工车间
a machine shop 机械工厂
a paint shop, eg where cars are painted 油漆车间(如汽车喷漆车间). 3 (infml 口) place of business; institution; establishment 办事处; (工商业)机构; 企业
I want this shop to run as smoothly as possible. 我想让这个机构办得尽可能顺利. 4 (idm 习语) all `over the shop (sl 俚) (a) in great disorder; scattered everywhere 纷乱; 零乱
His clothes lay all over the shop. 他衣服扔得到处都是. (b) everywhere 各处
I´ve looked for it all over the shop. 我到处都找过了. a bull in a china shop => bull1. come/go to the wrong shop => wrong. keep `shop look after a shop, serve customers, etc 照管商店; 接待顾客等
Will you keep shop while I go out for lunch? 我去吃午饭, 你照看一下商店好吗? set up `shop start a business 开店; 开业
She set up shop as a bookseller in the High Street. 她在大街开了一家书店. shut up shop => shut. talk shop =>talk2. shop v (-pp-) 1 [I, Ipr] ~ (for sth) (usu 通常作 go shopping) go to a shop or shops to buy things 去买东西; 购物
go shopping every day 每天去店 买东西
I´m shopping for Christmas presents. 我正在买圣诞礼物. 2 [Tn] (US) visit (a shop) to buy things 去(商店)买东西
shopping the stores looking for bargains 逛商店找便宜货. 3 [Tn] (Brit sl 俚) give information about (sb), esp to the police 告发(某人)(尤指向警方)
The gang leader was shopped by one of the robbers. 有个劫匪向警方告发了匪首. 4 (phr v) shop around (for sth) (infml 口) search carefully for goods that are the best value, or for the best services, etc 仔细寻找(物美价廉的东西或最佳服务项目等)
Don´t buy the first car you see
shop around a bit. 买汽车时别见到一辆就买, 多转几家挑一挑.
People must shop around for the best school for their children. 人们都要为子女找最好的学校. shopper n person who is shopping 到商店买东西的人
crowds of Christmas shoppers 成群的购买圣诞节物品的人. shopping n [U] 1 activity of shopping 买东西; 购物
do one´s shopping 去买东西.
[attrib 作定语] a `shopping street, ie one with many shops 商业街
a `shopping bag, basket, etc 购物袋、 篮等. 2 goods bought 买到的东西: Where did I leave my shopping? 我把买到的东西忘在哪儿了? ` shopping centre area where there are many shops 购物中心; 商业区. `shopping mall (US) area, closed to traffic and usu covered, where there are many shops (禁行车辆的)商业网点(通常有篷顶).