
n. 呼喊, 喊声
vi. 呼喊, 喊叫, 嚷
vt. 高喊
shout out to sb to do sth
shout at sb
shout sb down
shout n 1 loud call or cry 呼喊; 喊叫
shouts of joy, alarm, excitement, etc 欢呼、 惊叫、 激动的喊叫
Her warning shout came too late. 她发出的警告呼喊声来得太晚了.
She was greeted with shouts of `Long live the President!´ 大家欢迎她, 高呼著`总统万岁!' 2 (sl esp Austral or NZ 俚, 尤用於澳大利亚或新西兰) person´s turn to buy drinks 轮到某人请喝饮料
What will you have? It´s my shout. 你要喝什麽? 该我请客了. shout, v 1 (a) [I, Ipr, Ip, Cn.a, Dpr.f, Dpr.t no passive 不用於被动语态, Dpr.w] ~ (at/to sb); ~ (out) speak or call out in a loud voice 大声说; 喊; 呼; 叫: shout for joy 欢呼
shout (out) in pain 痛得大叫
We had to shout because the music was so loud. 因为音乐音量太大, 我们只好大声叫喊.
Don´t shout at me! 别冲著我喊!
She shouted to me across the room. 她在房间的另一端向我喊.
She shouted herself hoarse cheering on the team. 她为该队喝采把噪子都喊哑了.
He shouted to me that the boat was sinking. 他对我大声喊叫说船要沉了.
I shouted to him to shut the gate. 我大声告诉他把门关上. (b) [Tn,, Tn.p, Tf no passive 不用於被动语态] ~ sth (at/to sb); ~ sth (out) say sth in a loud voice 大声说(某事)
I shouted (out) my name to the teacher. 我向老师大声说出我的名字.
`Go back,´ she shouted. `回去,'她喊道.
They shouted their disapproval, ie expressed it by shouting. 他们大声喊著反对.
She shouted that she couldn´t hear properly. 她大声说她听不清楚. 2 (phr v) shout sb down shout to prevent sb from speaking 大声喊叫以阻止某人说话
The crowd shouted the speaker down. 群众高声喊叫把演讲人的声音压了下去. shout, NOTE ON USAGE 用法
Compare cry (out), shout, yell and scream. 试比较cry (out)、 shout、 yell、 scream的用法. These verbs indicate people making different kinds of noise for various reasons. 这四个动词指人们因不同原因而发出各种声音. We cry out by making a sharp noise as an automatic reaction to pain, surprise, etc *cry out指发出尖利的声音, 是痛苦、 惊讶等的自然反应
He cried out in fright as the dark figure approached. 那个黑影向他逼近, 他吓得叫了出来. We shout in anger or to get attention *shout是因愤怒或为引起注意而发出的声音
I don´t like our teacher; he´s always shouting at us. 我不喜欢我们的老师, 他动不动就大声说我们.
I had to shout to make myself heard. 我得大声嚷, 否则根本听不见我的声音. Yell is to make a high-pitched shout of pain, fear or excitement *yell是指因痛苦、 恐惧或激动而尖叫
We heard him yelling for help. 我们听见他高呼救命. It can also indicate loud shouting 这个词还可指大声呼喊
You don´t have to yell; I can hear you. 你用不著喊, 我听得见. People scream in pain, fear or excitement. *scream指因痛苦、 恐惧或激动而喊叫. It is a very loud, high-pitched noise 这种喊叫, 声音大而尖利
The baby woke up screaming. 那婴儿醒来时尖声哭叫. These verbs can all be used instead of `say´ to indicate ways of speaking 这几个动词都可用以替换say, 表示说话的方式
`Get out!´ she screamed/yelled/shouted. `走开!'她高声喊道.
`Who´s there?´ he cried (out). `谁呀?'他嚷道.