
n. 烛花, 用鼻吸气, 嗅, 闻, 鼻烟, 气味
vt. 剪烛花, 掐灭, 扼杀, 消灭, 用鼻吸, 嗅出, 闻出
vi. 嗅, 闻
【医】 鼻吸药, 嗅剂
snuff sth out
snuff it
give sb snuff
up to snuff
snuff n[U] powdered tobacco taken into the nose by sniffing 鼻烟(粉末状烟叶, 用鼻孔吸入)
take a pinch of snuff 吸一捏鼻烟. snuff v 1 [Tn] cut or pinch off the burnt black end of the wick of (a candle) 剪(蜡烛)的心. 2 (idm 习语) `snuff it (Brit sl joc 俚, 谑) die 吹灯, 吹灯拔蜡(死亡)
His dad snuffed it a couple of years ago. 他爸爸两年前就吹灯了. 3 (phr v) snuff sth out (a) put out (a candle flame, etc); extinguish sth 熄灭(烛光等); 扑灭某事物. (b) put an end to sth; finish sth 消灭或结束某事物
His hopes were nearly snuffed out. 他的希望几乎破灭了.