
pron. 某事, 某物
see something of
see something of the world
something like
something of
or something
think something of oneself
think oneself something
have something to do with
make something of
something indef pron 1 some thing 某事物: There´s something under the table. 桌子底下有个东西.
I want something to eat. 我想要点儿吃的.
Have you got something I could read? 你有什麽可让我读读的吗?
There´s something interesting on the front page. 头版上有些有意思的消息. 2 some thing thought to be significant 被视为有意义的事物
There´s something (ie some truth, some fact or opinion worth considering) in what she says. 她说的有点道理.
It´s something (ie a thing that one should feel happy about) to have a job at all these days. 这年头有一份工作就算不错了.
He´s something/He does something in (ie He has a job connected with) television. 他是干电视这一行的. 3 (idm 习语) or something (infml 口) or another thing similar to that mentioned 或诸如此类的事物
She´s writing a dictionary or something. 她在编写词典之类的书.
He hit a tree or something. 他撞上了一棵树或其他什麽东西.
She rescued three children from a fire or something. 她从一起火灾之类的事故中救出了三个孩子. ,something like (a) `sb/sth (a) partially similar to sb/sth 类似某人[某事物]
A thesaurus is something like a dictionary. 类语词典与普通词典相仿.
The ceremony was something like a christening. 那个典礼有点像洗礼仪式.
The tune goes something like this. 那曲调大致是这样的. (b) approximately sb/sth 近似於某人[某事物]
He earns something like 35000. 他的收入在35000英镑上下. something `like it roughly what is required or desirable 大致符合要求或符合愿望的事物
That´s something like it, ie That will be satisfactory. 那样就差不多了. something of a sth to some degree 达到某种程度
She found herself something of a celebrity. 她意识到自己已小有名气了.
I´m something of an expert on antiques. 我对古董略有研究.