
ad. 不久, 早, 快, 宁可
as soon as
so soon as
as soon as not
as soon as possible
soon adv 1 (used in mid-position with the v or, esp with too, quite, very, in end position 与动词连用置於句中; 尤与too、 quite、 very连用置於句末) not long after the present time or the time mentioned; within a short time 不久
We shall soon be home. 我们快到家了.
We soon got there. 我们很快就到那儿了.
We shall be home quite soon now. 我们这就快到家了.
He´ll be here very soon. 他马上就要到这儿了.
It will soon be five years since we came to live in Cairo. 我们来到开罗居住快五年了. 2 (often in the pattern thesooner...the sooner... 常用於the sooner...the sooner...的结构中) early; quickly 早; 很快地
How soon can you be ready? 你最快要多长时间才能准备好?
Must you leave so soon? 你真得这麽早就走吗?
She will be here sooner than you expect. 她很快就到, 比你预料的要早.
The sooner you begin the sooner you´ll finish, ie If you begin earlier you´ll finish earlier. 早开始早结束.
The sooner you leave the sooner you´ll be home. 早走早到家. 3 (idm 习语) as `soon as (used as a conj 用作连词) at the moment that; not later than (the moment when) 一...就...; 不迟於
He left as soon as he heard the news. 他一听到这事儿就走了.
I´ll tell him as soon as I see him. 我一见到他就告诉他.
He didn´t arrive as soon as we´d hoped. 他到达的时间比我们预期的要迟. (just) as soon do sth (as do sth) with equal willingness or readiness (as) 同样乐於做某事(像做另一事一样)
I´d (just) as soon stay at home as go for a walk. 我呆在家里也行, 出去散步也行. least said soonest mended => least. no ,sooner ,said than `done (of a promise, question, request, etc) done, fulfilled, etc immediately (指诺言、 问题、 要求等)说到立即做、 履行、 解决、 满足等. no sooner...than immediately when or after 一...就...
He had no sooner/No sooner had he arrived than he was asked to leave again. 他刚到就被支走了. soon after (sb/sth) a short time after (sb/sth) 在(某人[某事物])之後不久
He arrived ,soon after `three. 他是刚过三点的时候到的.
They left ,soon after `we did. 我们走後不久他们也离开了.
I rang for a taxi and it arrived soon `after. 我打电话叫了计程车, 不一会儿车就到了. the ,sooner the `better as quickly as possible 越快越好
`When should I ask him?´ `The sooner the better.´ `我什麽时候问他好呢?'`越快越好.' ,sooner or `later one day; eventually (whether soon or later on) 早晚; 迟早; 总有一天
You should tell her, because she´ll find out sooner or later. 你还是告诉她吧, 因为她迟早会发觉的. sooner do sth (than do sth) (fml 文) rather do sth 宁愿做某事
She would sooner resign than take part in such dishonest business deals. 她宁可辞职也不愿参与这种不正当的买卖.
Go back there? I´d sooner emigrate! 回去? 我宁可移居海外也不回去!
Will you tell him, or would you sooner (ie prefer it if) I did? 是你去告诉他呢, 还是你愿意让我去告诉他呢? speak too soon => speak.