
n. 螺旋形之物, 螺线
a. 螺旋形的, 盘旋的
vi. 螺旋形下降, 螺旋形上升, 螺旋形行进
vt. 使螺旋形行进
【医】 螺旋状的; 螺旋
【经】 连锁反应
spiral adj advancing or ascending in a continuous curve that winds round a central point 螺旋形的; 盘旋的
a spiral staircase 螺旋式楼梯
A snail´s shell is spiral in form. 蜗牛壳是螺旋形的. spiral, n 1 (a) spiral line 螺线. (b) object that has a spiral shape 螺旋状的物体. 2 continuous increase or decrease in two or more quantities alternately because each depends on the other(s) 互为前提的至少两个量之间的交替上升或下降
an inflationary spiral 螺旋式上升的通胀
the spiral of rising wages and prices 工资和物价的交替上升. 3 (idm 习语) a vicious spiral => vicious. spiral, v (-ll-; US also -l-) 1 [Ipr, Ip] move in a spiral course 螺旋形移动; 盘旋移动
The falling leaf spiralled to the ground. 落叶盘旋著飘到了地上.
The smoke spiralled upwards. 那股烟袅袅上升. 2 [I, Ip] increase or decrease continuously 连续增长或减少
Prices are still spiralling, ie increasing rapidly. 物价仍在急剧上涨.