n. 香料, 药料, 香气, 调味品, 情趣, 少许
vt. 加香料, 使添趣味
【化】 香料; 香原料
(a) [C] any of various types of substance obtained from plants, with a strong taste and/or smell, used, esp in powder form, for flavouring food 香料(从植物中提取而得, 尤指粉状的)
Ginger, nutmeg, cinnamon, pepper and cloves are common spices. 姜、 肉豆蔻、 肉桂、 胡椒、 丁香都是常用的香料.
(b) [U] such substances considered as a group 香料(总称): mixed spice 混合香料
too much spice in the cake 糕饼中香料太多
[attrib 作定语]
a spice jar 香料瓶.
2 [U] (fig 比喻) extra interest or excitement 额外的趣味或刺激性的事物
a story that lacks spice 乏味的故事
add a bit of spice to their marriage 给他们的婚姻增添了些微情趣. Cf 参看 salt 5. spice, v [Tn, Tn.pr]
~ sth (with sth)
1 add flavour to sth with spice 用香料给某物调味
Have you spiced this cake? 这蛋糕中加香料了吗?
He spiced the biscuits with cinnamon. 他在饼乾里加了肉桂.
2 (usu passive 通常用於被动语态) add (humour, etc) to give interest, variety, etc 加入(幽默成分等)以增添趣味、 新鲜感等
a boring life spiced with moments of intrigue 除了几件秘史点缀外枯燥无味的一生
His stories are spiced with humour. 他的小说里有很多幽默风趣的片断.