
n. 精神, 心灵, 灵魂, 态度, 志气, 人格, 情绪, 心情, 烈酒
vt. 诱拐, 鼓励, 鼓舞
【化】 醑剂
【医】 酒精; 醑剂
break sb's spirit
give up the spirit
be vexed in spirit
take sth in a wrong spirit
spirit n 1 [U, C] person´s mind or feelings as distinct from his body; soul 精神; 心灵
He is troubled in spirit/His spirit is troubled. 他内心苦恼. 2 [C] soul thought of as separate from the body; soul without a body; ghost 魂; 灵魂; 鬼魂; 鬼
the spirits of the dead 亡灵
raise spirits, ie communicate with dead people 招魂
It was believed that people could be possessed by evil spirits. 据说人能中邪.
[attrib 作定语] the spirit world 阴界. 3 [C] (dated 旧) supernatural creature; elf, fairy, etc 超自然的生物(精灵、 仙子等). 4 [U, C] life and consciousness not associated with a body 神灵
tribal beliefs that spirit is everywhere and in everything 认为神灵无所不在、 无事不有的部落信仰
God is pure spirit. 上帝纯粹是灵. * the Holy Spirit 圣灵. 5 [C] (always with an adj 必须与形容词连用) person (of a specified type, emotion, temper, etc) (某类型的或有某种情感、 脾气等的)人
a brave, proud, generous, mean, etc spirit 勇敢的、 骄傲的、 慷慨的、 小气的...人
He was one of the leading spirits of the reform movement. 他是改革运动的先行者.
She´s an independent spirit. 她是有独立性的人. 6 [U] willingness to assert oneself; courage; liveliness 志气; 勇气; 活力; 精神
He answered with spirit. 他回答得很带劲儿.
break sb´s spirit, ie destroy sb´s will, sense of independence, etc 挫败某人的锐气
Although they lost, the team played with tremendous spirit. 那队输是输了, 但却表现了极其顽强的精神. 7 [sing] state of mind or mood; attitude 心态; 心理; 态度
do sth in a spirit of mischief 以恶作剧的心理做某事
approach sth in the wrong/right spirit 以错误的[正确的]态度对待某事物
Whether it was unwise or not depends upon the spirit in which it was done. 这件事可取与否全在於做这件事的态度.
The party was successful because everyone entered into the spirit of the thing. 这次聚会因大家积极参与所以很成功. 8 (a) [sing] characteristic quality or mood of sth 某事物的特点或气氛
the spirit of the times 时代气息
the 16th-century spirit of exploration 16世纪的探险风. (b) [U] real or intended meaning or purpose 实质的含义或宗旨
obey the spirit, not the letter (ie the apparent meaning of the words) of the law 遵循法律的宗旨, 而不拘泥其中的文字. 9 (a) [C usu pl 通常作复数] strong distilled alcoholic drink 烈酒
I don´t drink spirits. 我不喝烈酒.
Whisky, brandy, gin and rum are all spirits. 威士忌、 白兰地、 杜松子酒、 朗姆酒都是烈酒. (b) [U] distilled alcohol for industrial, etc use 酒精; 乙醇: white spirit 石油溶剂
surgical spirit 消毒酒精
methylated spirit(s) 甲基化酒精. 10 spirits [pl] person´s feelings or state of mind 精神状态; 情绪; 心境
in high spirits, ie cheerful 情绪高
in low/poor spirits, ie depressed, gloomy 情绪低
raise sb´s spirits, ie make sb more cheerful 鼓舞某人的情绪
Have a glass of brandy to keep your spirits up. 来杯白兰地提提神吧. 11 (idm 习语) in spirit in one´s thoughts 在内心; 在精神上
I shall be with you in spirit, ie thinking about you though not with you physically. 我的心和你在一起. a kindred spirit => kindred. the ,spirit is `willing (but the ,flesh is `weak) (saying 谚) one´s intentions and wishes are good but laziness, love of pleasure, etc prevent one from acting according to them 心余力绌. spirit, v (phr v) spirit sb/sth away/off take or carry sb/sth away quickly, secretly or mysteriously (as if magic) 迅速地、 偷偷地或神秘地带走某人[某物]; 诱拐; 诱带
The pop-star was spirited away at the end of the concert before her fans could get near her. 音乐会一结束, 那位流行乐曲歌手没等歌迷接近她就没影儿了.