
n. 劈开, 裂片, 裂缝, 分裂, 派系, 派别, 柳条
a. 劈开的
vi. 分离, 分开, 裂开, 被劈开
vt. 劈开, 切开, 使分裂, 使分离
【计】 拆分
【化】 裂口
【医】 分裂, 直裂; 裂口, 隙
【经】 割开, 分开, 均分
split off
split off from sb
at full split
run like split
split chums
split fair
split v (-tt-, pt, pp split) 1 [I, Ipr, Ip, Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] ~ (sth/sb) (up) (into sth) (a) (cause sth to) break or be broken (into two or more parts), esp from end to end (使某物)裂开, 碎裂
Some types of wood split easily. 有些木头容易劈.
She was splitting logs with an axe. 她正用斧子劈木头.
A skilled person can split slate into layers. 手巧的人能把板岩剖成片. (b)(cause people to) separate or divide into (often opposing) groups or parties (使人们)分裂成或分成(常为相对的)集体或派别
The children split (up) into groups. 孩子们分成了小组.
an issue which has split the party (from top to bottom) 导致该党(自上而下)分裂的问题. 2 [Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] ~ sth (up) (into sth) break sth into parts; divide and share sth 将某事物分成若干部分; 分某事物
split the cost of the meal 分摊饭钱
split the atom, ie by means of nuclear fission 使原子产生核裂变
Would you like to split a bottle with me? 咱俩分一瓶喝好吗?
They split (up) the money between them. 他们把钱分了.
For the purposes of the survey we´ve split the town into four areas. 为了便於调查, 我们把这个镇划成四个区. 3 [La, I, Cn.a] ~ (sth) (open) (cause sth to) break open by bursting (使某物)撑破, 绽裂, 裂开
Suddenly the box split open and a puppy jumped out. 箱子突然打开, 从里面蹦出只小狗.
His coat had split at the seams. 他的大衣开线了.
She split open the coconut. 她把椰子劈开了. 4 [I, Tn] (sl 俚 esp US) leave (a place) 离开(某处)
It´s boring here let´s split. 这儿没意思--咱们走吧.
They´ve split the scene, ie left the event, place, party, etc. 他们走了. 5 (idm 习语) split the `difference (when making a bargain) settle on an amount half-way between two proposed amounts (讲价时)各让一步, 折中. split `hairs (derog 贬) make very fine but unnecessary distinctions (in an argument, etc)(在争论等中)作不必要的过细区分. split an in`finitive(in speaking or writing) place an adverb between to and the infinitive (as in `to quickly read a book´) 分裂不定式(在to与动词之间插入副词, 如to quickly read a book). split one´s `sides (laughing/with laughter) laugh uncontrollably 控制不住地大笑; 捧腹(大笑). 6 (phr v) split (sth) away/off (from sth) separate or divide (sth) from a larger body or group (将某事物)分离出来
The group have split away/off from the official union. 这一部分人已从正式的联盟中分裂出来了.
The storm has split the branch off from the main tree trunk. 暴风雨把树枝从树干上刮了下来. split on sb (to sb) (infml 口) give away information about a person (usu an accomplice) that will get him into trouble 出卖或揭发某人(通常指共犯或同谋)
Billy´s friend split on him to the teacher. 比利的朋友给他向老师告了一状. split up (with sb) end a friendship, relationship or marriage; separate 绝交; 断绝关系; 离婚; 分离
Jenny and Joe have split up. 珍妮和乔闹翻了.
John has just split up with his girl-friend. 约翰刚刚跟女朋友吹了. split, n 1 [C] act or process of splitting or being split 分开; 劈开; 裂开; 分担. 2 [C] crack or tear made by splitting 裂口; 裂缝
sew up a split in a seam 缝好绽开的 线缝. 3 [C] division or separation resulting from splitting 分裂; 分离
a split in the Labour Party 工党的分裂. 4 [C] pudding made from fruit (esp a banana) cut in two lengthways with cream, ice-cream, etc on top (覆有奶油、 冰激凌等的)水果条甜食; (尤指)奶油冰激凌香蕉条
a banana split 奶油冰激凌香蕉条. 5 the splits [pl] acrobatic position in which the legs are stretched across the floor in opposite directions with the rest of the body upright 劈叉: do the splits 劈一字腿.