
n. 尾部, 船尾, 臀
a. 严厉的, 严格的, 坚定的, 坚决的
be stern to sb
stern adj (-er, -est) (a) serious and grim, not kind or cheerful; expecting to be obeyed 严肃的; 严厉的; 不苟言笑的; 要求别人服从的
a stern taskmaster, teacher, parent, etc 严厉的监工、 教师、 父亲(或母亲)等
a stern face, expression, look, etc 严肃的面容、 表情、 神态等. (b) severe and strict 严厉的; 严格的; 严酷的; 严峻的; 苛刻的
stern treatment for offenders 对犯法者的严厉对待
Police are planning sterner measures to combat crime. 警方正在制订更严厉的措施来打击犯罪活动. stern n [C] 1 back end of a ship or boat 船尾
standing at/in the stern of the boat 站在船尾
walk towards the stern of a ship 向船尾走. =>illus at yacht 见yacht插图. 2 (infml esp joc 口, 尤作戏谑语) rear part of anything, esp a person´s bottom 後部; 尾部; 末端; (尤指人的)屁股
Move your stern, I want to sit down. 你把屁股挪一挪, 我想坐下. 3 (idm 习语) from stem to stern => stem1.