stay up

stay up的短语、例句:
stay up (a) remain awake; not go to bed 醒著; 不去睡
She promised the children they could stay up for their favourite TV programme. 她答应孩子们可以晚点儿睡, 看他们最喜爱的电视节目. (b) remain in a position where put, built, etc; not fall or sink or be removed 处於原位不动; 不倒; 不沉; 不被移走
I´m surprised some of those cheap houses stay up at all. 那些质量差的房子仍然原封未动, 我感到很惊奇.
My trousers only stay up if I wear a belt. 我这条裤子要是不系皮带就往下掉.
The poster only stayed up a few hours, before it was stolen. 那张海报贴上去没几个小时就让人给偷走了.