
n. 商店, 贮藏, 仓库, 备用品, 存储器
vt. 储存, 贮藏, 供给
vi. 贮藏
a. 贮藏的, 现成的
【计】 存储器操作; 存储
【医】 贮藏; 贮藏所
【经】 存储, 库存, 仓库
set little store by
set no store by
in store
lay store by
out of store
set much store by
set great store by by
store n 1 [C] quantity or supply of sth kept for use as needed 贮存; 储藏; 储备
lay in (ie buy and keep) stores of coal for the winter 储存冬季用煤
have a good store of food in the house 家里储备了大量食物. 2 [C usu sing 通常作单数] ~ (of sth) large accumulated quantity or amount 累积而成的巨大数量
a library with a store of rare books 藏有大量珍本的图书馆
She keeps a store of amusing stories in her head. 她头脑里有许多有趣的故事. 3 stores [pl] (a) goods, etc of a particular type, or for a special purpose (某类或某用途的)货物、 物品等: military stores 军需品
government stationery stores 政府的文书用具. (b) supply of such goods or place where they are kept 储备品等的供应; 仓库; 储藏所
available from stores 有存货的. 4 [C] (computing 计) device in a computer for storing and retrieving information 存储器. 5 [C] (esp US) (often in compounds 常用以构成复合词) shop 商店
the liquor store 酒店 * the drugstore 药店. 6 [C] (esp large) shop selling many different types of goods (尤指大型的)百货商店
a big department store 大百货公司
a general store in the village 乡村的百货商店. 7 (idm 习语) in store (for sb/sth) (a) kept ready for (future) use 储存著; 备有
He always keeps several cases of wine in store. 他总是备有几箱酒. (b) coming in the future; about to happen 必将到来; 快要发生
I can see trouble in store. 我预见到以後要有麻烦.
There´s a surprise in store for you. 你一定要大吃一惊的. set (great/little/no/not much) store by sth consider sth to be of (great/little, etc) importance or value 认为某事物(非常[不太]等)重要或有价值
I don´t set (much) store by weather forecasts. 我认为天气预报(有些)靠不住. store. v 1 [Tn,, Tn.p] ~ sth (up/away) collect and keep sth for future use 储备或储存某物
a squirrel storing (up) food for the winter 储存食物准备过冬的松鼠
I´ve stored my winter clothes (away) in the attic. 我把冬天的衣服存放在阁楼里了. 2 [Tn] put (furniture, etc) in a warehouse, etc to be kept safe 将(家具等)保存在仓库等中
They´ve stored their furniture while they go abroad. 他们出国时把家具送到仓库保管起来. 3 [esp passive 尤用於被动语态
Tn,] ~ sth(with sth) stock sth (with sth useful); supply or fill sth 装备某事物; 供应或装满某事物
a gallery stored with fine paintings 藏有珍品画的艺术馆
a mind well stored with facts 博闻强记的头脑. 4 [Tn] hold (sth); contain 容纳(某物); 含有
This cupboard can store enough food for a month. 这个食橱能装下足够一个月之用的食物.