
n. 石头, 宝石, 果核, 纪念碑, 结石
vt. 投扔石子, 铺石头
a. 石的, 石制的, 完全的
【医】 石, 结石
leave no stone unturned
tone n 1 [U] (often used attributively or in compounds 常用作定语或用以构成复合词) hard solid mineral substance that is not metallic; (type of) rock 石; 石头; 岩石: `sandstone 沙岩
`limestone 石灰岩 * a house built of grey `stone 用灰色石料砌成的房子
stone walls, buildings, floors, statues, ie made or built of stone 石墙、 石楼、 石板地面、 石雕
What type of stone is this? 这是什麽石头? 2 [C] piece of rock of any shape, usu small in size, broken or cut off 石块; 石子; 碎石
a pile of stones 一堆石块
a road covered with stones 碎石路
Small stones rolled down the hillside as they ran up. 他们跑上山坡, 同时有些小石子滚了下来.
She picked up the stone and threw it into the river. 她捡起那块石头扔进河里了. 3 [C] (usu in compounds 通常用以构成复合词) piece of stone shaped for a particular purpose 加工成某形状作某用途的石块: a `gravestone 墓碑
`stepping-stones 踏脚石
`paving stones 铺路石
`tombstones 墓碑 * `millstones 磨石. 4 (also precious `stone) [C] jewel or gem 宝石; 钻石
a sapphire ring with six small stones 镶有六颗小蓝宝石的戒指. 5 (also esp US pit) [C] (sometimes in compounds 有时用以构成复合词) hard shell containing the nut or seed inside some fruits (eg apricots, olives, plums, cherries, peaches) 核(如杏、 橄榄、 李子、 樱桃、 桃的)
a damson stone 西洋李子的核. =>illus at fruit 见fruit插图. 6 [C] (esp in compounds 尤用以构成复合词) small hard object that has formed in the bladder or kidney and causes pain 结石(膀胱或肾脏中的)
an operation to remove `kidney stones 取出肾结石的手术. Cf 参看 gallstone (gall). 7 [C] (pl unchanged 复数不变) (abbr 缩写 st) (Brit) unit of weight; 14 pounds 石(重量单位, 等於14磅)
He weighs 10 stone. 他体重10 石.
two stones of potatoes 两 石的土豆. =>App 5 见附录5. 8 (idm 习语) blood out of/from a stone => blood1. hard as nails/stone => hard1. a heart of stone => heart. kill two birds with one stone => kill. leave no stone unturned => leave1. people in glass houses shouldn´t throw stones => people. sink like a stone => sink1. a `stone´s throw a very short distance 很短的距离
We live a stone´s throw from/within a stone´s throw of here. 我们住的地方离这里很近. a rolling stone gathers no moss => roll2. stone, v [Tn] 1 throw stones at (sb) (esp formerly as a punishment) 向(某人)扔石块; 用石头砸(某人)(尤指旧时作为惩罚手段)
stoned to death 受以石击毙刑. 2 remove the stones (stone 5) from (fruit) 去掉(水果)的核: stoned dates 去核的枣. 3 (idm 习语) ,stone the `crows (Brit sl 俚) (used as an exclamation of surprise, shock, disgust, etc 用作感叹语, 表示惊讶、 震惊、 嫌恶等)
Well, stone the crows, he´s done it again! 哎呀, 好家伙, 他又干了一次! stoned adj [usu pred 通常作表语] (sl 俚) (a) very drunk 烂醉. (b) under the influence of (usu soft) drugs 在(通常为软性的)毒品刺激下.