
n. 紧张, 拉紧, 张力, 过劳, 扭伤, 血缘, 种, 族, 气质, 曲调, 旋律, 口吻
vt. 使劳累, 拉紧, 过分使用, 扭伤, 滥用, 曲解, 滤
vi. 尽力, 努力, 紧拉, 弯曲, 被滤出
【化】 应变; 菌株
【医】 应变; 劳损, 过劳; 株; 特种; 滤过
strain after
strain after originality
train v 1 [Tn,] stretch (sth) tightly by pulling 拉紧, 紧(某物)
strain a rope (to breaking-point/until it breaks) 把绳子拉紧(直到拉断). 2 [I, It, Tn, Tnt] make the greatest possible effort; use all one´s power, energy, etc (to do sth) 竭力; 用全力(做某事)
wrestlers heaving and straining 尽力拼搏的摔交运动员
strain (one´s ears) to hear a conversation 聚精会神地听别人交谈
straining to understand what she meant 努力弄懂她的意思
strain one´s voice to shout 扯著嗓门叫喊. 3 [Tn] injure or weaken (esp a part of the body) by stretching too much or trying too hard 因过度伸展或用力而损伤(尤指身体某部位)
strain a muscle, one´s heart 肌肉、 心肌劳损
strain one´s eyes, eg by reading in a bad light 损害视力(如在微弱光线下阅读)
strain one´s voice, ie by speaking or singing too long or too loudly 喊哑嗓子(因说话或唱歌时间过长或声音过大)
(ironic 反语) I would welcome some help but don´t strain yourself! 我倒是盼著有人来帮忙--只是别累坏了你自己! 4 [Tn] (fml fig 文, 比喻) force (sth) beyond a limit of what is acceptable 竭力使(某事物)超过极限
strain the credulity of one´s listeners 使听的人难以相信
strain one´s authority, rights, power, etc, ie go beyond what is allowed or reasonable 滥用权威、 权利、 权力等
Her prose strains language (ie the meaning of words) to the limits. 她的散文在语言运用上已超越了规范的极限. 5 [Tn] pass (food, etc) through a sieve, cloth, etc when separating solids from liquids 过滤(食物等)
strain the soup, vegetables 过滤汤、 蔬菜
The tea hasn´t been strained, ie It is full of tea-leaves. 这茶未经过滤(未滤去茶叶). 6 (idm 习语) strain after ef`fects/an ef`fect try in a forced or unnatural way to make sth seem impressive 勉强地或造作地使某事物显得了不起. strain at the `leash (infml 口) be eager to have the freedom to do what one wants 渴望挣脱束缚
teenagers straining at the leash to escape parental control 极力要摆脱父母控制的青少年. strain every `nerve (to do sth) try as hard as one can 尽力(做某事). 7 (phr v) strain at sth make a strenuous effort by pulling at sth 用力拉、 拖、 拽、 曳...某物
rowers straining at the oars 用力划桨的划船手
dogs straining at the lead 用力拖曳牵狗皮带的狗. strain sth off (from sth) remove (eg liquid) from solid matter by using a sieve, etc 滤去(液体等)
strain off the water from the cabbage when it is cooked 烹调洋白菜时把水分滤掉. strain n 1 [C, U] (a) condition of being stretched or pulled tightly 拉紧; 紧; 张紧
The rope broke under the strain. 绳子拉断了. (b) force causing this 拉力; 张力; 引力
calculate the strains and stresses of a bridge 计算桥梁的应变和应力
What is the breaking strain of this cable? ie How much strain would break it? 这缆索的致断拉力是多少? 2 (a) [C, U] severe demand on one´s mental or physical strength, resources, abilities, etc 对智力、 体力、 财力、 能力等的严格要求; 负担; 压力
be under severe strain 处於极度紧张的状态
beginning to feel the strain 开始感到有压力
the strain of modern life 现代生活的压力
Paying all the bills is a strain on my resources. 支付所有这些费用是我经济上的一大负担.
He finds his new job a real strain. 他觉得新的工作的确很紧张.
How do you stand (ie cope with) the strain? 你是怎样克服这种压力的? (b) [U] state of anxiety, tension or exhaustion caused by this 因有压力而产生的焦虑、 紧张或心力交瘁
suffering from mental/nervous strain 精神[神经]极度紧张. 3 [C, U] injury to a part of the body caused by twisting a muscle, etc; sprain 劳损; 扭伤
a painful strain 使人疼痛的扭伤
a groin strain 阴部受伤. 4 [C usu pl 通常作复数] (fml 文) part of a tune or piece of music being performed (演出的)音乐片段, 乐曲
hear the strains of the church organ 听到教堂风琴奏出的音乐
the angelic strains of choirboys singing 唱诗班的男童唱出的优美动听的曲子. 5 [C usu sing 通常作单数] tone, style or manner of sth written or spoken 写作或说话的方式或风格; 笔调; 语调
Her speech continued in the same dismal strain. 她以悲伤的语调接著往下说. strain n 1 (usu sing 通常作单数) ~ (of sth) tendency in a person´s character 个性特点; 性格倾向; 气质; 性情
There´s a strain of madness in the family. 那一家人都有点疯疯颠颠的. 2 breed or type (of animal, insect, plant, etc) (动物、 昆虫、 植物等的)系, 品系, 品种, 类型
a new strain of wheat 小麦的新品种
strains of mosquitoes that are resistant to insecticide 对杀虫剂有抗药性的蚊虫.