
n. 街道, 马路, 街区
a. 街道的
【法】 街道, 马路
up one's street
in the street
live in the street
not in sb's street
not in the same street with
not in the same street as
put it on the street
street n 1 (abbr 缩写 St) public road in a city, town or village with houses and buildings on one side or both sides 街; 街道
cross the street 穿越街道
meet a friend in the street 在街上遇见一个朋友
gangs roaming the streets 在街头游荡的流氓
His address is 155 Smith Street. 他的地址是史密斯大街155号.
[attrib 作定语] at street level, ie on the ground floor 在与街道齐平的一层
a `street map/plan of York 约克城的街道地图[详图]
street lighting 路灯
street theatre, ie plays, etc performed in the street, usu with a social or political theme 街头剧(在街头演出的, 通常为社会性或政治性的). =>Usage at road 用法见road. 2 people who live or work in a particular street 在某一街道居住或工作的人们
Our street puts on a carnival every year. 我们这条街的居民每年举行一次狂欢会. 3 (idm 习语) be in Queer Street => queer. be (out) on/walk the streets (infml 口) (a) be homeless 流落街头; 无家可归. (b) (euph 婉) work as a prostitute 当娼妓. go on the streets (euph 婉) earn one´s living as a prostitute 操皮肉生涯; 以卖淫为生. the man in the street => man. not in the same street (as sb/sth) (infml 口) not nearly so good; inferior (to sb/sth) 远不如; 比不上(某人[某事物]). streets ahead (of sb/sth) (infml 口) much better, more efficient, cleverer, etc (than sb/sth) (比某人[某事物])好、 有效、 聪明...得多.