
n. 力量, 实力, 强度, 浓度, 人数, 抵抗力
【化】 强度
【医】 强度, 浓度; 力
by main strength
from strength to strength
on the strength of...
with all one's strength
too much for sb's strength
with her utmost strength
strength n 1 [U] quality of being strong; degree of intensity of this 力量; 力气; 强度; 浓度
a man of great strength 强壮的男子
strength of character, mind, will 性格、 思想、 意志的坚强
regain one´s strength after an illness 病後恢复体力
the strength of a rope, ie its ability to resist strain 绳子的强度
put on a show of strength, ie show how strong one is 显示力量
For a small woman she has surprising strength. 她个子虽小但力大惊人.
The strength of feeling on this issue is considerable. 在这个问题上表现出的情绪很强.
How is the strength of alcoholic drinks measured? 含酒精饮料的浓度是如何测定的? =>Usage 见所附用法. 2 [C, U] that which makes sb/sth strong; particular respect in which a person or thing is strong 力量的源泉; 强点; 长处
the strengths and weaknesses of an argument 一论据的长处和弱点
Tolerance is one of her many strengths. 宽容是她的一个优点.
His strength as a news-reader lies in his training as a journalist. 他胜任新闻广播员的工作, 在於他有当过记者的锻炼. 3 [U] number of people present or available; full number 现有的或可召集到的人员; 人力; 实力
What is the strength of the work-force? 职工总数是多少? 4 (idm 习语) be at full/be below strength have the required/less than the required number of people 满员[未满员]. bring sth/be up to (full) strength make sth reach/be the required number 使某事物达到所需数量
We must bring the police force up to (full) strength. 我们必须让警察人数达到(全部)编制所需的数量. from strength to strength with ever-increasing success 不断进步
Since her appointment the department has gone from strength to strength. 自从她任职以来, 这个部门越办越好了. in (full, great, etc) strength in large numbers 大量(的)
The army paraded in (full) strength. (全部)军队接受了检阅. on the strength (infml 口) included as an official member of an organization, armed force, etc 在编. on the strength of sth on the basis of sth; relying on (a fact, sb´s advice, etc) 基於某事物; 根据(事实、 某人的意见等)
I got the job on the strength of your recommendation. 承蒙足下推荐, 我已获得这份工作. outgrow one´s strength => outgrow. a tower of strength => tower. strength, NOTE ON USAGE 用法
Compare strength, power, force and vigour (US vigor). 试比较strength、 power、 force、 vigour(美式拼写作vigor). Strength and power indicate an internal quality of an object or person. *strength和power表示物体或人的内在特性. The strength of a body, bridge or rope is its ability to hold great weight *strength用於身体指力气, 用於桥梁指承重强度, 用於绳索指抗拉强度
I haven´t the strength to carry you. 我抱不动你. The power in a person´s body, in a machine or in the wind is the energy within it that can be applied *power用於人体、 机械或风时指可应用的能量
We can harness the power of the wind to make electricity. 我们可以利用风力发电. Force and vigour relate to the application of energy. *force和vigour指能量的应用. The force of an explosion, a storm or a blow is the energy released and its impact on objects *force用於爆炸、 风暴或打击时, 指释放的能量及其对物体的冲击力
The car was completely wrecked by the force of the collision. 这辆汽车受到很大的撞击力而完全损坏. A person´s vigour is the energy used, especially in work *vigour用於人时, 指所用的体力、 精力, 尤指工作活力或干劲
She does her work with tremendous vigour. 她工作起来干劲十足.