
n. 剩余, 过剩, 盈余
a. 过剩的, 剩余的
【经】 盈余, 公积; 剩余的
surplus n[C, U] 1 amount left over after one has used all that one needs; amount by which money received is greater than money spent 剩余(额); 过剩; 盈余; 顺差
Surpluses of food can be sold for cash. 多余的食物可卖钱.
We have a trade surplus of 400 million. 我们有 4 亿英镑的贸易顺差.
a time of great surplus followed by a time of shortage 物资大量过剩时期, 随之而来的物资短缺时期
[attrib 作定语] an army surplus store, ie one selling clothes, equipment, etc no longer needed by the army 剩余军用物资商店(出售军服、 装备品等的). Cf 参看 deficit. 2 (idm 习语) in `surplus having a surplus 有剩余; 有盈余
Our trade is in surplus, ie We are exporting more than we are importing. 我国贸易出现出超(出口量大於进口量). surplus, adj ~ (to sth) more than is needed or used 剩余的; 过剩的
surplus labour, ie workers for whom there are no jobs 剩余劳动力
a sale of surplus stock 剩余存货廉价出售
This food is surplus to requirements. 这种食物供过於求.