
n. 悬挂, 暂停, 中止
【化】 悬浮; 悬浮体; 悬浮液
【医】 悬吊[术],[混]悬液, 暂停
【经】 暂停, 中止
suspension n 1 [U] suspending or being suspended 悬挂; 悬浮; 暂停; 延缓; 停职
the suspension of a rule, law, etc 规则、 法令等的暂停实施
the suspension of a pupil from school 对一名学生的停学处分
She appealed against her suspension. 她对被停职一事已进行上诉. 2 [U] system of parts (eg springs and shock absorbers) by which a vehicle is supported on its axles (车辆的)悬挂装置(如弹簧及减震器)
The poor suspension gives a rather bumpy ride. 因悬挂装置性能差, 行驶时很颠簸. =>illus at App 1 见附录1插图, page xii. 3 [C, U] (state of a) liquid containing tiny particles of solid matter floating in it 悬浮(液)
medicine in powder form held in suspension, ie to be taken by drinking 药粉悬浮剂(口服用).