
n. 平头钉, 大头钉, 粗缝针脚, 行动方针, 食物
vt. 以大头针钉住, 附加
【经】 附加条款, 租借契约
be on the wrong tack
try another tack
be on the right tack
tack n 1 [C] small nail with a broad head 平头钉; 大头钉
a `carpet tack, ie one used for securing a carpet to the floor 地毯钉
a `tin-tack 镀锡平头钉.2 [C] long loose stitch used in fastening pieces of cloth together loosely or temporarily ; 假缝; 粗缝
tailor´s tacks, ie ones used to mark the place for a seam, etc 线. 3 [C] (nautical 海) (of sailing vessels) oblique course sailed with the wind blowing towards one side of the ship (指帆船)抢风航程
on the right/wrong tack 航向正确[错误]
on the port/starboard tack, ie with the wind on the port/starboard side 左舷[右舷]抢风.4 [U, sing] (fig 比喻) course of action; policy 方针; 政策
It would be unwise to change tack now. 现在改变方针是不明智的.
try a different tack 试行不同的政策
be on the right/wrong tack 实行正确的[错误的]方针.5 (idm 习语) get down to brass tacks => brass. tack, v 1 [Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] nail (sth) with a tack(1) or tacks 用平头钉钉住(某物)
tack down the carpet 用平头钉钉住地毯. 2 [Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p] stitch (sth) with tacks (tack 2) 缝上, 缝住(某物)
tack a ribbon onto a hat 在帽子上缝一条饰带
tack (up) the hem of a dress 缝上连衣裙的边
tack down a fold 缝住衣褶
a tacking stitch 缝的针脚. 3 (nautical 海) [I, Ipr, Ip] move from one tack(3) to another; sail a zigzag course in this way 抢风航行; 作Z字形航行
tack to port/starboard左舷[右舷]抢风航行
tacking about 作Z字形航行.4 (phr v) tack sth on(to sth) (infml 口) add sth as an extra item 附加或增添某事物
a cover charge tacked onto the bill 帐单上的服务费.