
n. 带子, 录音带, 磁带, 窄带, 卷尺
vt. 以带子绑起, 测量, 录音
【计】 带
【化】 磁带
【医】 带
【经】 磁(纸)带, 记录纸, 卷尺
tape n 1 [C, U] (piece of a) narrow strip of material used for tying, fastening or labelling things (用以捆、 系物品或作标记的)带子, 线带
three yards of linen tape 三码亚麻带
a parcel tied up with tape 用带子捆著的包裹
The seat covers are held in place by tapes. 椅套用带子系在椅子上. 2 [C] piece of this stretched across a race-track at the finishing-line (拉在跑道终点的)终点线
He breasted/broke the tape (ie finished the race) half a second ahead of his rival. 他比对手早半秒钟撞线(到达终点). 3 [U] strip of paper orother flexible material coated with adhesive for fasteningpackages, etc (粘贴包裹等的)胶带, 胶条: sticky tape 胶黏带
insulating tape 绝缘胶带. 4 [U] narrow continuousstrip of paper on which a teleprinter prints a message (电传打印机的)收报纸带. 5 [C, U] (reel of) magnetic tape; recording made on this 磁带; 录像(带); 录音(带)
The police seized various books and tapes. 警方查获了各种书和磁带.
make a tape of sb´s conversation 录下某人的谈话
listening to a tape of the Beatles 听披头士乐队的录音带
I´ve got all the Beethoven symphonies on tape. 我有贝多芬交响乐全部的录音带. 6 [C] = tape-measure. tape, v 1 [Tn, Tn.p] ~ sth (up) tie or fasten sth with tape 用带子捆或系某物. 2 [Tn] record (sb/sth) on magnetic tape 将(某人[某事物])录在录像带上; 给(某人[某事物])录音
taped a concert off/from the radio 录下音乐会的无线电广播. 3 (idm 习语) have (got) sb/sth taped (infml 口 esp Brit) understand sb/sth fully; be able to manage, influence or control sb/sth 全面了解某人[某事物]; 能管理、 影响或控制某人[某事物]
It took me a while to learn the rules of the game but I think I´ve got them taped now. 我用了些时间学习游戏规则, 大概现在已经掌握了.