
n. 目标, 靶子, 指标
vt. 对准, 订指标
【化】 目标; 靶; 靶子
【医】 靶, 屏极
【经】 目标, 指标
be dead on the target
hit the target
miss the target
target n 1 object or mark that a person tries to hit in shooting, etc; disc marked with concentric circles for this purpose in archery 目标; 靶. =>illus at archery 见archery插图. 2 person or thing against which criticism, etc is directed 受批评等的人或事物; 批评的目标、 对象
become the target of scorn, derision, spite, etc 成为受轻蔑、 嘲笑、 怨恨等的对象. 3 result aimed at; objective 目的; 目标
meet one´s export targets 达到出口指标
Production so far this year is on/off target. 今年到目前为止生产已达到[未达到]指标.
The embassy is an obvious target for terrorist attacks. 大使馆是恐怖分子攻击的明显目标.
[attrib 作定语] a target date, ie one set for completion of a project, etc 预定日期(为完成计画等订立的). target, v [usu passive 通常用於被动语态
Tn,] ~ sth (at/on sth/sb) aim sth 瞄准某物
missiles targeted on Britain 瞄准英国的导弹
a sales campaign targeted at the youth market 面向青年人市场的大推销.